Chapter 13

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"Did you find anything?"

I turn in my chair to see Harry. I close and place Jeanette's file in my desk drawer. "Nope." I reply going back to the computer. I was looking for any kind of information on James, I wasn't gonna risk going back there right now but that doesn't mean I'm giving up.

I also need to find out who took Jeanette's body, who would even steal a body from the morgue? I never even got answers from James on why he has files of everyone I met in foster care plus Jeanettes. It just doesn't make any sense and I need answers, now.

"Damnit." Harry says.

"It's alright." I nod. "It just takes time."

"So I was thinking about how someone stole the body and went by Stacy." He replies. "And?" I ask looking over at him.

"Can't we look at the security tapes?"

"Why didn't I think of that?" I softly chuckle. "You and the boys get on that, go down to the hospital and pay as much as it takes to get them to let you see the tapes."

He stands up. "Alright, I'll tell the guys."

"Let me know what they say, I'll stay here with Elenor." I reply. "Where is she by the way?"


"Why is she sleeping at 1 in her afternoon?" I question. Harry shrugs before going back upstairs.


I haven't left bed all day, I just wanna go home. I keep saying that over and over but it's not gonna happen anytime soon. We still have to figure Jeanette's murder...then we can focus on me. I know it's selfish to say that but I just want to leave and go back to high school, back to my life. I even miss my matter if she chose a guy over me. If you remember, I said I moved in with my father because she got involved with a guy who I didn't like very much. He just, he didn't act right, there was something off about him that I couldn't set my finger on.

I jumped a little when there was a knock on door. "Yeah." I say letting them know they can come in, when the door opened it was Jason. "Hey." I tell him.

"The guys are going out." He informs. "So it's just us for little while, if you wanna hang out or something."

I didn't say anything I just nodded, I hear the door close but he didn't leave, he walked over to me. "Can I sit?" I nod again as I move my legs over so he could sit. "Are you alright?"

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