Chapter 49 Part Two

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Arriving at the address which was a warehouse that Anabell had sent me a few days ago. Before stepping out, I parked the car and grabbed my gun. Sighing, I begin to walk up to a gray door that was on the side. Once I'm in, my surroundings were a plain building. A few doors leading to probably different rooms.

I turned around when one of them opened. She smiles. "Jason."

My jaw tightens. "Anabell."

Before she could reply, 2 guys came out of the same room she just left. They walk over to me and begin to check my jeans and shirt. "What the fu-"

"Relax." Anabell says. Not a second later one of them pulls the gun I had in my waistband and hands it to Ana.

I groan. "Was that really necessary?"

"Sorry. I had to make sure." She giggles.

"Why are you laughing?" I hiss. "This isn't funny Anabell."

"Actually it is." She nods. "So the reason your here."

I angrily chuckle. "Jeanette, where is she?"

"Are you sure your even worried about her anymore?" She smiles. "I mean, considering your hooking up with the blonde."

"Leave Elenor out of this." I tell her.

"She is my sister." She replies. "Why can't I bring her up?"

"I'm just here for Jeanette." I shake my head.

"You think I was just gonna hand her over?" She laughs. "Really? Did you think that?" She holds up the gun I had. "I guess not. Atleast you were smart to bring in this, you should've been smarter to know I wouldn't have come alone."

"What do you want?"

"The same thing I wanted at the party." She replied. She looks at the 2 guys and nods. They walk past me into the room and they drag a girl out, it was Jeanette. Her hands were tied and she had tape over her mouth. "Hello Jeanette." Anabell smiles walking over to her, she takes the tape her mouth, Jeanette groans.

"Jeanett-" I begin to walk over to her but one of the guys grab my arm.

I chuckle, glaring at him. "I suggest you get your hand off me."

The guy looks at Anabell and she nods, letting him know he can. Wow, what a bitch. Has to get permission from the other bitch.

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