Chapter 43

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Elenor's point of view

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Elenor's point of view

"Any questions?" Mr. Allen asked us after explaining our homework assignment.

We have to write a 4 page English essay on any topic we wanted, that gives me another reason on why I can't wait to graduate in a few months. It's almost march, which means it's almost Jason's 22nd birthday,

I've been talking it over with everyone and we're gonna throw him a party, not many people I know will be there because it's gonna be gang members.

Blake, Cody and Harry said they'd handle the guests if me and the girls handle the alcohol, food and other things.

I also need to call my father, if Anabell really is my sister I think I'd wanna know. Wouldn't you?

If she is, does he know that's his daughter they gave up? It's sounds unreal just thinking about it. This girl ruined Jason's life, and apparently she isn't done yet. I guess I've been putting off calling him because I'm afraid of what the answer might be.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing.
"Essay is due Friday. Class dismissed."

Standing up, I gather my books and was about to leave the room but Mr. Allen calls my name.
"Can I speak to you for a moment?"

I nod, once the room was empty he sat down on the end of his desk. "Is everything ok?" I question.

"Actually, I just wanted to tell you that your failing." He finished.

"I'm failing? H..How? I've bee-"

"You were gone for a few months Elenor." He reminds me. "That made you fall behind, but I have a position for you if your interested."

"Yes I'll do anything Mr. Allen, I really wanna graduate with my friends." I immediately reply.

He stands up, grabbing a file off his desk. "How would you feel about tutoring some freshman?"

"Uh." I pause. "Freshman?"

"You would be tutoring the same kid for two weeks after those 2 weeks you'll have someone different."
He explained.

I nod. "And how long would I have to do this?"

"It's for extra credit so I guess until your credits for graduation is caught up." He returns the nod.

"I live by myself, in my apartment down town, is that alright?" I ask.

"Of course." He replies. "But no inappropriate stuff alright?"

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