Chapter 45

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Elenor's point of view

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Elenor's point of view

Out of breath, I did my last move. I waited as everyone cheered and clapped making a smile appear on mine and the girls faces, when the music stopped we all group hugged.

"That was awesome!!" Alex squeals. We pull away, everyone still clapping. The curtain closes. "That was so great you guys!!" I say, smiling to the other ladies who were also out of breath.

After changing back into my clothes I redid my hair and my make up before heading back to the party. My eyes searched for Jason but I couldn't find him.

I squeal when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "That was amazing."

I quickly turn around to face Jason, I smile. "So you liked it?"

"Like?" He chuckles, pulling me closer. "I loved it, It made me wann-"

"Shh." I giggle putting my finger to his lips. "Save it for later."

He playfully shakes his head. Grabbing my face gently he pulls my lips to his, I smile and gladly kiss him back. Both of my hands go up to his arms, feeling his muscles.

I really wish he was shirtless right now...

"Excuse me?"

We both pull away to see a middle aged man, Jason seemed to know him because they bro hugged. "Conner, this is my girlfriend Elenor. Elenor this is Conner, another gang leader."

He holds his hand out and I gladly accept. "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure is mine." He says, once our hands pull away. "That was quite the show you and your friends pulled."

"You liked it?"

He nods. "I did, your moves were very stiff which is why I'd like to offer you and your friends a chance to attend my university."


"It's a university for dance." He replies.

"Uh, As much as Id love that, I haven't even graduated yet sir."

"No need." He smiles. "I can put away your positions until you've graduated, if that's what you'd like."

I can't believe this is happening, I've always wanted to be a nurse but I mean a dance university? With me and my girls? "Could I maybe get back to you?"

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