Chapter 29

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Fluttering my eyes open over and over until my vision was clear, the sun shining through the window. I sit up slowly, my eyes widened when I see someone laying next to me. A shirtless body. What did I do? I look down, seeing my naked body covered up with my sheets.

Oh. My. God.

I slept with someone.

Someone I didn't even know, I lost my virginity to some gu- My mind was going in millions of places when I hear the guy groan, I turn my head unable to see him. I wanted to cry.


That voice...

I turn my head back around coming face to face with Colt. He's eyebrows frown looking at our clothes on the floor.

"Did w-"

"Yeah." I whisper.

He shuts his eyes and falls back on the pillow. "Fuck."

"That's all you can say?" I ask. "We slept together Colten. You took my virginity, it wasn't for you."

"Your a-was a virgin?"

I look down. "I wasn't meant for you...I know we're friends but it wasn't supposed to happen like that."

"I'm sorry Ele..I hardly remember anything from last night..Do you remember what happen?"

"I remember we were both drunk...and I was in an emotional place..." I state. "And then we danced and we came up here."

Sighing, he sits up and places his hand on my lower covered up back. "If I wasn't drunk I would've never let that happen without your permission..I'm so sorry."

He was right. Colt wasn't like that..."It's done, we can't take it back, just pretend it never h-"

"I uh, can't do that.."

I immediately look over at him. "What? Why?"

"I-" He begins but my phone buzzes on my dresser. I reach over seeing it was from Jason.

Hey. Everything is put away in your apartment, can't wait to give you your present! I didn't see you much last night after our...incident?

"You have to go." I say, standing up keeping the sheet around my body. My eyes widened when Colts parts are revealed, I immediately turn around. "Can you please put some clothes on?"

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