Chapter 35

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Elenor's point of view

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Elenor's point of view

It's now Saturday, which means it's my date with Calvin. I'm actually really nervous...ever since my talk with Jason on his porch the other day I've been thinking about everything, I still don't know what I'm gonna do but I know that I have strong feeling towards Jason. I know I'm falling for him and it scares me. What if Jeanette comes back? Then what, he leaves me again?

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone buzzed, I grab it from my dresser seeing it was a reminder that I have a job interview today. I applied to be a personal assistant at sealers Inc, it's a very high company business that sales things online.

If I get the job I will be getting the workers anything they want, food, water, coffee ect, also id be filling files from people who buy stuff and mailing it to them. Things like that.

I have to impress the boss first, that's always the hardest. Starting with my outfit, I wore jeans with a white shirt tucked under, a black vest that came down to my elbows over that. A few bracelets and a cross necklace. My blonde long hair was curled perfectly, my makeup done lightly.

After making sure my apartment was organized I grabbed my, phone, purse and sweater and headed out the door. "Oh. Hi." I say, a smile forming on my face, looking at Calvin as he was about to knock.

"Hey." He smiles, his eyes looking at my outfit. "Going somewhere?"

"I have a job interview with sealers Inc." I answer.

"Sealers inc?" He questioned. "That's a very popular business."

"I know, it's awesome." I nod. "So anyway, are you alright?"

"Oh yes." He chuckles, remembering why he was here. "I just wanted to see if your still up for our date tonight?"

"Of course." I told him.

He nods. "Good, because I got us a reservation at
Va Sal."

"Va Sal?!" I ask, excitedly. "It takes forever to get a reservation there, how?"

"My uncle works there." He replies. "Gives me a bit of a pass."

"That's awesome." I say, glancing down at my watch. "I really have to go, I don't wanna be late for this interview."

"Can I walk you out then?" He suggested.

I nod, walking out and closing the door behind me.

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