Chapter 17

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"We should shower together more often." I tell Jeanette, wrapping my arms around her waist and looking at her through the mirror. "Yeah?" She smiles.

I nod, playing my chin on her bare shoulder.

She giggles and turns around to look at me, she places her hands on both sides of my jawline before placing her lips against mine, she wraps one arm around my neck and pulls me closer. "I can't wait to be married to you." She whispers. "Having this everyday for the rest of my life sounds s-"

"Perfect." I finish for her. "Yeah, perfect." She smiles. I reach behind her until my hands came to the top of her white towel, I tug on it until it falls as she continues to kiss me. I squeeze her ass telling her to jump, when she does I walk backwards until my legs hit the bed. I sit down and run my hands through her brown hair. She kisses down my neck as she moves her hips slowly. "Fuck." I hiss. "Slower baby slower."

"I thought you liked it fast and tough?" She whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. I close my eyes while she continued to kiss my name. "Fuck it." I say and stand up, I toss her on the bed and quickly hover over her.


"Are you sure about this?"

"Cody. For the last time." I tell him. "Yes."

Everyone is freaking out about yesterday when I said I wanted to take James. I was serious, and I'm serious now, I'm doing playing nice. I want answers and I want them now, for starters, I want to know why James has files of everyone I've met in the system plus Jeanette's, why his prints are on her body, why he's lying about it, and why Anabell who I haven't seen or heard of in fucking years suddenly has something to do with all this.

Why the hell the woman that adopted her says Ana has been dead for months when clearly she's not because she stole my fiancées dead body from the morgue.
It honestly made me wanna punch something.

It just doesn't make any sense.

"When are we doing this?" Harry asked.

"If everything goes as planned, tomorrow. He's been in and out of states and if I have everything mapped correctly we'll be home tomorrow for 3 days before going back on the road." I reply.

"Okay what's the plan for today?" Blake questions.

I stand up from my chair. "Everyone can do what they want, consider it a day off."

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