Chapter 11

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It's been a week since the incident at my house. I couldn't stop replaying my father pulling a gun out on us, he's never done something like that before, I could tell he was lying, you know how like, when you know someone so well that you just know when there lying or telling the truth? Well I knew he was lying.

Why else would his prints be on Jeanette's body Which is still gone, we have no idea who took it.

It's after 2am right now...I couldn't sleep, I haven't slept that much the last week with everything going on, Jason promised me he would help me get a third choice...but first we have to find the guy who makes the rules but before that we have to figure out Jeanettes killer...It's a- I snapped from my thoughts when I heard a noise coming from Jason's room next door.

I bolt from my bed and go over to his. The door was slightly open so I pushed it, Jason was sitting on his bed, his chest and face covered in sweat. "Hey. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He stutters throwing the blankets off his body and his legs off the bed. I walk in slowly and close the door back like it was, I should ask to come in..but I didn't, I walk over and sit beside him. "I've been having dreams about Jeanette...ever since her death." He mumbles, I look at his eyes that were looking at the ground that were watering up. "I'm so sorry Jason."

"It hurts..I just want the pain gone..." He softly said, my heart drops at how heartbroken he is...I would be to. I hesitate before placing my hand on his that was gripping the edge of the bed. "It hasn't even been a month, the pain will go away, I promise."

"When?" He asked looking over at me. "I don't know, I know that it'll go away slowly, she'll be with you Jason. She is with you, you'll always have the memories, that's one thing that can't escape."

"She was my first love..." He says. "I was with her since I was 16...To lose someone like that." He looks away and back down at the floor. "I don't think the pain will ever go away."

I slowly take my hand off his, not a second later, he grabs it back. "I know your just trying to help I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I say softly.

He looks back over at me. "Will you stay with me?"


"I really don't wanna be alone right now..." He says.

Should I?

One night won't hurt...I guess. I nod. "Of course."

He moves over, giving me space. I climb over next to him, I didn't know how to I did what I wanted, I lay my head on his chest, placing my hand on his abs. He heists before he begins playing with my hair. "Thank you."

"Your welcome."


I fluttered my eyes open until my vision was clear, I was still in Jason's room, still laying on his chest, I lift my head up seeing him still sleeping. He looked so beautiful...I know a guy shouldn't be called beautiful but he was. I sat up fully and stood up, I quietly left his room and went back to "mine" I glanced at the clock. It wasn't even 8 yet. I decided I was gonna make breakfast for the guys...they've been keeping me safe so I think it would be ok, right?

After taking a shower I got dressed in my matching undergarments and as for clothes, I wore black skinny jeans with a read sweater with the sleeves rolled up and my hair was braided to the side, I obviously put a little makeup on then headed downstairs, I hope no one was up yet.

The living room was quite and the kitchen, thank god. Going over to the fridge, I grabbed as many breakfast things I could, I mean there boys they eat alot and so do I. I'm honestly the kind of girl who would see who can finish first, I don't give two flying fucks what anyone thinks about me, if they don't like me, don't let the door hitcha on the way out.

About 30 minutes later, the table was filled with different breakfast choices, I made pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage, eggs, toast and a few pieces of fruit. Plus I added orange juice on the table and I made coffee. Snapping me from my thoughts I heard footsteps coming downstairs, when I turn around I see Jason. His eyes begin to look at the surroundings, "Did you do all this?"

"I hope that's ok." I tell him. "I just really wante-"

"No. it's definitely okay." He says walking over to me where I stood beside the table. "If you do shit like this I want you to stay like forever."

I blush lightly and look down.

"Your so cute when you blush."

He did not just say that. I look up at him. "Shut up."

He stares at me for a minute before another voice came along. Jason cleared his throat and moves beside me. "Damn, who the hell did all this?" It was Cody. "That would be me." I smile.

"Fuck, it looks delicious." He says sitting down on a stool. "Can you stay forever?"

I send him a playful wink. "We'll see."

Soon enough Harry and Blake joined us at the table, everyone sat on the stools. "So, we have a mission today." Jason said to me. "Ok?" I question. "And since you can't stay here alone, you have to come with us. No matter what, you stay by my side."

I nod, not really caring because of the food.

"Amanda and Blakes girlfriend will also be attending so you won't be the only one." Cody informs me.

At least that's a good thing. I won't be the only girl.
"Alright." I give him a toothless smile.

After breakfast we all went and washed up, since I already did they told me to wait downstairs for Amanda and Blake's girlfriend.

It wasn't long after that there was a knock on the door, standing up I walked over and opened it. My eyes immediately widened. "Alex?"

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