Chapter 50

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Elenor  2 weeks later

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2 weeks later

"You got everything?" I ask Alex, stepping off the ship onto the dock. "We can't leave anything ale-"

"I got everything Ele." She tells me.

I nod. "If you say so.."

Heading back home was a struggle, the trip was amazing! We even had parties on the beach. It was the most fun I've had in months. Now I just couldn't wait to see Jason. It's been 2 weeks, 2 full weeks and he's gotta be frustrated if you know what I mean, honestly so was I.

"I'll see you guys later I gotta go meet Madison." Colt says walking past us trying to hurry to his car. Madison is colts girlfriend? I guess you can say. They've been talking for awhile and he's even bringing her to my mom and Devins wedding. Which is in a two months. Same day as my graduation.

My mom and Colts mom have known each other forever so obviously he was invited. Devin actually invited the whole gang, he told my mother there his friends which they are...sorta.

Once we reach Alex's car I place our bags in the back and we were off. "I need to stop by the apartment. Shower and change then I'll meet you at Jason's."

"Are you gonna tell him?"

I nod slowly. "Yes..when it's the right time."

"You think he's gonna be mad?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

I shrug. "I don't know..guess I'll find out soon enough."

About 2 hours later I find myself unpacked, freshly showered and in my car on the way to Jason's. Ben, my boss gave me time off for this trip so I have to work until the day of my moms wedding and my graduation.

Arriving at Jason's, I park my car and get out. My heels made annoying sounds against the side walk and the porch. I didn't even knock, I just walked in. It's what Alex and Amanda does, so why can't I?

When I enter the house I hear laughs and voices in the living room. I walk down the hall I come in view with everyone, besides Jason. I smile. "Hey guys."

"Hey Ele!" Amanda squeals, giving me a hug. "It feels like I haven't seen you in ages."

"I know." I smile. "How are you?"

"Good. Tired." She nods. I look at the guys who were all playing video games. "So where's Jason?"

"Downstairs." Cody states.

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