Chapter 24

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Anabell is here.

Those were the words that made my heart stop. Why now? We've been searching for her for in which felt like years, why would she show up here?

"What?" Jason says, obviously not believing it. "Like right now?"

Cody walks away, meaning for us to follow him. We do that, my heels making noise on the floor. We begin going upstairs. I never realized Jason had his hand in mine again, which made me smile, it fades when we enter a room and I see a girl sitting on a couch, one leg crossed over the other. She had short brown hair, brown eyes, skinny like me, she didn't have a dress on. She had black pants on, a black tank top that showed off her boobs with a black jacket over it, but her makeup, all she wore was eye liner, mascara and red lipstick.

When she sees Jason, she smiles. "Jason, long time no see."

"What the hell are you doing here Anabell?" Jason hissed letting go of my hand.

She grins. "Didn't you miss me?"

"Not really." He shakes his head.

"Awh." She chuckles. "You see, that makes me really upset, and when I'm upset things don't end well."

"Yeah well." Jason says. "You should see me when I'm upset then."


I glanced at Cody who was standing behind me. He looked into my eyes then back at Anabell an Jason, I did the same.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time Anabell." Jason spat. "Why are you here?"

She clears her throat and stands up. Her black heels making her look taller then she really was. "Well, I heard you've been looking for me."

Oh honey, you have no idea.

"We have." Jason replies. "You know we went to your house and apparently you've been dead for 2 months, which isn't true considering you took my fiancés body from the morgue."

"Yeah." She laughs. "I couldn't really stay at home anymore if I wanted to continue with my plan now could I?"

"Plan?" Jason asked. "What fucking plan?"

"How did you find out where I lived?" She asked walking over to a dresser, putting her elbow on it and then looked back at Jason.

"Well first, we found out that you asked James to research everyone I've ever met." Jason replies, Anabells face immediately falls. "But you see, I guess he didn't trust you because we also found a file with your name on it."

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