Chapter 18

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


I moved my lips in sync with Jason's. My hands played with his hair while he held onto both sides of my hips. A soft moan escapes my lips when he tights his grip.

His hands move to my ass and slips underneath causing me to let out another moan, he left my lips and reconnected them with my neck. I close my eyes enjoying the feeling of his soft lips against my skin..I played with the ends of his hair again while he worked his magic, I've wanted to kiss Jason for so long but I put it off because of how much stuff was going on with Jeanette...When those thoughts came back I unwrapped my legs and pulled away from him. "We should probably press pause..."

"I'm sorry." He immediately says. "That got-"

"Yeah.." I nod. "It's not that I didn't want to...your just in a bad place with Jeanette's death right now...and I can't be a rebound Jason."

"That's what you thought you would be?" He asked softly. "A rebound?"

I broke contact by looking at my fingers in the water. "I would never do that to you." I hear him say. "Or to anyone for that matter."

"Maybe after we get Jeanette's killer...and you spend time finding yourself again." I begin. "Then we can talk about this...I know how heartbroken you are Jason, I would be too if I was with someone for that many years."

"She would want me to be happy Elenor." He says. "To move on and be happy...I will love her for the rest of my life...but she's gone...and I need to finally accept it."

I didn't say anything I just looked up at him.
"Jason...I'm sorry."

"No. I get it." He replies. "You thought I'd use you to get over Jeanette." He angrily chuckles. "Is that what kind of person you think I am? Ive thought you were so beautiful from the minute I saw you." He continues. "All Ive wanted to do was protect you and then I finally get the guts to make a move and you tell me you don't wanna be my rebound?"

"I'm sorry." I whisper. "I-I didn't mean it like that Jason pl-"

"Yes you did." He hissed. "You thought you were actually gonna be my rebound. I was actually feeling you Elenor, but when you said that, it made me think you don't feel the same." He laughs. "Let's just go...I have a plan to attend to."

He walks off leaving me speechless...I close my eyes as tears roll down my face.

Why did I say that?



"Are you sure about this?" Cody says as we walk up to James porch. "I'm not even answering that." I say unlocking the door with the key Elenor gave me. We can't make that much noise or James will hear us. It's almost 3am now.

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