Chapter 8

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"Did you find him?" I ask Cody walking over to the computer. Cody is tracking James credit cards so we can see where he is, get any kind of location. "No." he shakes his head.

"Dammit." I was getting impatient now, I quickly flip a chair. I normally don't get this upset but I am now. "I'm going with another plan."

"Which is?"

"I'm gonna get Elenor to call him home." I reply.

He turns fully to me. "You think that'll work?"

"It has to." Was what I said before walking back upstairs. I close the door behind me and head upstairs to her room.


I was unpacking some things Jason brought from my house, which is sweet...considering our situation. I heard a knock on the door.

At least he learned how to knock.

Softy chuckling to myself. "Come in."

The door opens and Jason walks in. "Hey."

"Hi." I reply continuing to unpack. "Everything ok?"

"Do you remember when you asked me that last question and I never answered it?" He asked.

"The one about what you guys want with my dad?" I question giving him my full attention and nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"I'll tell you now." He says walking over sitting on the bed, I sit the bag on the floor and sit down beside him. "You don't have to Jason, I'm su-"

"I need to tell you." He nods. "Your his daughter and you deserve to know."


"I'm gonna start from the very beginning.."He says softly, I nod again.

He clears his throat before talking. "My patents died when I was 7 years old, after that I was put into the system, the foster care system where I was in and out of homes for years...there were mean ones, there were good ones." He explains, his voice breaking in the process but he continued. "When I turned 15, James came in one day to the home I was staying in because he was friends with the owner and he saw me, he could tell I was lonely..and broken."

"So he took me in...Adopted me." He continued, telling me to listen, so I did. "A year later when I turned 16, I joined a gang...and in that process I met this beautiful girl named Jeanette. James already knew her because they were his neighbors before I came in the picture, they had just moved back and I met was honestly the happiest I felt in years Elenor." His voice was low, I could tell he was trying not to cry, I did the thing I was scared to do..but I did. I placed my hand on his, showing him he can stop, but he didn't.

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