Chapter 27

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I've been home a week and surprisingly I feel alot better, I'm obviously still sore but it felt so good to shower and get cleaned up. It felt like I hadn't showered in years. Anyway. Today, I'm going with Jason, apparently he has a surprise for me? I couldn't think about anything else besides highschool. It might never be the same but I cant help but try.

Existing the room, I grab my leather jacket Jason first gave me when I came here. I smiled, thinking about that memory. it quickly fades when I hear Jason and Jeanette talking in her room. They obviously forgot to close the door all the way.

"I forgot how great it is to shower with you." Jason says wrapping his arms around her waist as she brushes her hair in the mirror, Jason was dressed but she was only in a towel.

It hurt listening to this...

She connects her eyes with his in the mirror. "Do you really have to go?"

"I promised Elenor I would take her somewhere today." Jason replied, making Jeanette groan. "Fine, but when you get back, you're all mine."

"Deal." Smirking, Jason lets go of her waist and I quickly walk past the room and head downstairs.

My eyes widened when I see Cody and Amanda making out on the leather couch. I clear my throat causing them to pull away, Amanda immediately stands up. "We were just saying goodbye."

"Yeah." Nodding lightly, I smile.

I turn my head when I hear footsteps coming downstairs, when Jason sees me he smiles. "Hey, you ready?"

I nod. After saying goodbyes to Amanda, me and Jason head out. "So what's this special surprise?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" He asked, opening the door for me. I roll my eyes as I step in. He closes the door and goes around to his side. "Trust me, you'll love it."

"Is this really necessary?" I ask, Jason guiding me to wherever were going. He made me put a blindfold on, plus headphones with blasting music through my ears.

"We're almost there." I hear him say, after a few more steps, he stops me from walking. "Okay, were here. You can take it off now."

Undoing the blindfold, I take it off my eyes, my eyes wondered over the small room we were in, I quickly realized it was an apartment. "Jason, why are we standing in an apartment?"

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