Chapter 30

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I finally go back to school on Monday. Today's Saturday. I still have to be careful considering I'm still not making a choice. Jason promised me we would find the guy who makes the rules, if I can't get another choice then I'll choose between the original.

Today I'm going to my mothers. I haven't seen her in forever...if you don't remember, I said I moved back in with my dad because she was involved with someone I didn't like very much, when I first met him I got strange vibes that I just didn't like, so I moved out, but now that I'm 18 I think I should try and make amends. I haven't seen my father since Anabell was arrested, I'm guessing she's out now just not allowed to be around Jeanette.

Anyway, I wonder where he is? Once we got the full story Jason let him go and we haven't seen him since.

Speaking of Jason, I haven't really talked to him that much...It's been 3 days since I told him I slept with Colt, he shouldn't care. I know he has feelings for me, I think? But he chose Jeanette. Not that I'm upset about it, I get that they have so much history but he did choose her and he can't just come back to me when she's gone.

I have to take things slow right now..

After getting dressed in my black jeans and dark sweater, My phone vibrates in my back pocket. Yes. My phone, so happy to have one again. I grab it seeing it was from Alex.

Hey, I'm here!

I quickly text back.

Kay, I'm coming down now.

After texting her back, I place my phone in my back pocket and grab my apartment key before heading to the elevator.

Once the doors open I see a guy standing there with a baby in his arms.

"She's cute." I say with a smile as I walk inside and press the 1st floor button.

"Thank you." He chuckles. "She yours?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah."

"She looks like you." I reply. They both had brown hair and coco brown eyes. "She's a cutie." He smiles.

Again, she looks like you so why wouldn't she be cute?

Being curious, "Do you uh live here?"

"I do." He replies. "Not long, maybe about 2 months."

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