Chapter 9

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It's been 2 days since I talked to my father on the phone, he will be home tomorrow. I've been replaying mine and Jason's conversation over and over in my head, his parents died when he was 7 and that's horrible...I can't imagine what he went through as young as he was. The only reason I never met Jason when he lived with my dad was because I stayed with my mom, I moved on because she got involved with a guy I didn't like very much.

She refused to leave him so I decided to go live with my dad, Jason was gone by then, he never told me why but now I know, it was because he found out Jason was in a gang, and he didn't want James killed or to join. If anyone found out that James knows he would be killed, just like me. Now I get why I cant leave, I promised I would help Jason and the guys find Jeanette's killer so after that we can find the guy who makes the rules and hopefully he can give me a third choice and if he doesn't, I know I'll have to choice to join or die...if I had to make it today, I honestly don't know what my answer would be.

Snapping from my thoughts, I turn the water off and grab my towel from outside the shower. Once I had it wrapped around my body I stepped out. I'm going off with Jason and Cody today while Harry and Blake go on a mission, Jason wants to see if there's anymore prints on the body that he can look into.

I left the bathroom, which was connected to my room and walked over to my closet. I picked out a pair of black jeans with a white shirt and a pull over long sleeve along with a brown small belt and high heels. After getting dressed I dried and straightened my hair, then doing my makeup lightly. I walked over to the door which opened and I fell in the floor. "Elenor?" Jason asked obviously not seeing me.

"Down here." He walks further in, when he sees me his eyes widened. "Did I do that?" He asked. "Nope. I just really wanted to lay in the floor."

He gives me a warm smile before holding his hand out for me, I accepted and he helped me stand up. "You should really learn to knock more often." I say flipping my blonde hair off my shoulder. He chuckles. "I'll think about it."

"Are we ready?" I ask. He nods and opens the door for me. I walk past him, he follows behind me, when I get to wear I can see the living room I see Cody waiting for us at the front door. "Can I ask why your wearing heels to go to a place where dead people are?"

"I wanna look good." I shrug. "I'm a girl, you wouldn't get it."

"Whatever you say Ele."

"Ele?" I smile. "That's new."

"I got it from Jason, thank him." He smiles.

I glance behind me as Jason stares at Cody. "Ele?"

He looks over at me. "We don't have to call you that if you don't like it."

I shake my head. "No no, it's ok."

"You sure?" Jason asked. I nod and he sends me a smile.

"Lets get this over with." Cody says opening the front door for me. "Shall we?"


After getting down to the morgue we waited in the elevator until it stopped, we step out and I follow Jason and Cody, I gotta say it's weird thinking about how I'm about to be standing in a room filled with dead bodies...When we get to two double doors Jason walks in and greets some blonde headed guy. He hands him some cash, I didnt see how much, the guy takes it from him. "Give us an hour." Jason says, The guy nods and walks past me, sending me a glare. I never realized how cold it was in here.

Jason walks over to a metal small door, he grabs a hold of it and opens it.

I frown my eyebrows.

There was nothing. No body.

"What the hell." Cody says rushing over to Jason.
"Where the hell is she?"

Jason didn't say anything, his hands were balled into fists. You could tell he was madly pissed, I don't blame him, I would be too. He slams the thing shut and walks past me, seconds later he's dragging the blonde headed guy in the room by his throat.
"Where the hell is she? Huh! What the fuck did you do?!"

The guy was hitting Jason's wrist trying to free himself but it was useless, Jason was to strong. "Jason." I say placing my hand on his shoulder.

Jason glares at me then back at the guy. He forcefully lets go. "Talk. Now. Before I kill you."

"I-I don't know where she is." He says massaging his throat. "S-Some girl came to me yesterday and said she was here in a request of you."

"What fucking girl?" Jason hissed.

"Her name was Stacy?" The blonde said.

"Your fucking lying, I don't know anyone named Stacy!" Jason yells making me flinch.

"Jason, calm down bro." Cody says now joining the conversation. "What did she look like?" Cody asked the guy. "S-She had brown hair, brown eyes. Tall." He describes.

"Do you know how many people I fucking met that has brown eyes and brown hair?" Jason hissed stepping closer to the guy. "Please, I'll do anything you want, I don't know anything."

"If the girl comes back, please connect Jason immediately." I whisper, I didn't know how to handle the situation right now but I had to do something before Jason snaps. "Jason, lets go." I say. "Please."

"If your lying to me." Jason says grabbing him by the shirt. "I will kill you." He lets ago, again forcefully before leaving the room. Me and Cody follow him. "Jason!" I yell, he was already almost at the door for the stairwell, why isn't he taking the elevator? Jason reaches the door and begins up the stairs. Me and Cody still jogging to catch up to him. "Jason stop!" I yell again rushing in the steps. After a few seconds he stops but punches the wall making me jump a bit.

Cody grabs my arm and pulls me back, he steps in front of me and walks over the Jason. "We'll find her Jason."

"I don't just want to find her body Cody!"
He yells again. "I want to actually kill someone! This is bullshit!"

Jason scared me when he talked like's a side I haven't seen...I turned in my tracks and ran down the steps to go to the elevator, ignoring Cody yelling my name.

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