Chapter 10

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Today my father returns home, which means me and the guys are going back to my house. I haven't even spoke to Jason since yesterday when he showed me a side I haven't seen...I mean he's a gang leader, I should've known he had a side like that.

I do wonder who took Jeanette's body, it doesnt make sense.


I look and see Cody entering the kitchen, I was eating cereal. "Hey."

"How'd you sleep?" He asked pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Fine." I mumble taking another bite.

He walks over and sits on the stool beside me causing me to look at him. "I know your freaked out about how Jason acted yesterday."

I then look away. "I just never seen him like that...He's been so sweet ever since I met him."

"Jason has bit of a temper when he gets angry..."He explains. "Don't be scared of him, he'd never hurt you Elenor."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Jason wants to protect you...he'd never hurt someone who didn't deserve it." He replies. "What you saw yesterday with that guy, it was Jason's temper getting the best of him but he walked away."

He was right..I knew Jason wouldn't hurt me or anyone else unless they deserved it. I haven't known these boys that long but I do know that. "I should go talk to him."

Cody stands up with his coffee in his hand. "He's downstairs lighting weights."

I nod, he sends me a smile before walking back upstairs. Amanda stayed last night so you know how that goes.

After finishing my cereal I place my bowl in the sink and head downstairs. Once I'm at the last step
I see Jason doing just what Cody said, lifting weights. He was shirtless, sweat dripping off him.


Snapping from not so Elenor thoughts I walked further over to him, when he noticed me, he placed the weights back onto the hold thingy and sat up. "Hi." I say with a toothless smile.

"Hey." He replies wiping the sweat off his face with his shirt that laid on the side.

I continue. "I just wanted to come talk to you before I got ready."

"Ok, what's up?" He asked giving me his attention.

I looked down then back up at him. "It's about yesterday."

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