Chapter 12

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"Elenor?" Alex asked. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" I copy.

I turn in my tracks when I hear footsteps coming down the steps. It was Jason and Blake. "I see you guys have met." Blake smiles. "Alex this i-"

"We've met." I reply. "She's my fucking best friend."

"Wait, you two know each other?" Jason asked.

"That's what she just said." Alex says walking inside. I closed the door behind her. "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

"I'm Blake's girlfriend." She replies.

"You've been a gang member and you didn't tell me!" I yell.

"She couldn't! Remember the rules Elenor." Blake says.

"Right." I angrily chuckle. "The fucking rules."

"Look, everything is gonna be ok." Jason says. "Alex, I will explain everything to you after we do this mission alright? Now will everyone please clam the fuck down, we have a mission to attend."

Cody and Harry now joined us, everyone stayed silent. "What'd we miss?"

"Oh I don't know." I chuckle again. "Maybe that Blake's girlfriend is also my best friend."

"What?" Harry asked. "What harry just said." Cody replies.

There was another knock at the door. I go to open the door. "If that's Colt I'm gonna scream." I mumble.

It wasn't, it was Amanda. "Hey." I smile. She returns the smile as she walks in. She gives Cody a quick kiss before looking at everyone. She frowned her eyebrows at everyone staying silent.
"Why does everyone look like they saw a ghost?"

"Alex is Elenors best friend." Cody states. "No way! Seriously?" Amanda squeals.

I then hear Jason groan. "If I hear one more fucking word about this stupid drama then I'm gonna scream."

"Let's just go." Blake says reopening the door. "We can talk about this later."

I said nothing else and just walked out.


"Remember what I said?" Jason says helping me out of the van. "Stay behind me at all times."

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