Chapter 1

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Looking at the crowds of people in the station, Liam felt a burst of relief.

It felt great to be back.

 This would be his last year at Hogwarts and he wanted it to be something out of the ordinary.

Grabbing his luggage, he started to head towards the train. 

"Watch it." A dark haired Ravenclaw said as Liam bumped into him knocking his belongings on the ground. Liam looked up into the whiskey brown eyes of the boy.

"Sorry Zayn."

Zayn ignored Liam's reply and walked away, after picking his things off the station floor. Liam watched Zayn, as he boarded the train. During his 5th year Liam was very in love with Zayn. There was just something about that quiet, intelligent boy that Liam admired. But being too shy to say anything, Liam kept his feelings to himself.

That is something Liam found strange about his own personality. He was sorted in the Gryffindor house but was not one bit brave. He had always wondered why he wasn't sorted into Hufflepuff, or even Ravenclaw. But instead Gryffindor. Whenever he brought it up to his friend Louis, Louis would just say that Liam was brave but didn't know it.

Remembering Louis he snapped back into reality and decided it was time to board the train. Where was Louis anyways? Liam thought to himself as he sat in a compartment with 2 other Gryffindors. Liam looked at the time; it would be two minutes until the train took off. Louis was always late but never this late...

Before Liam could think anymore, Louis came running into their compartment completely out of breath.

"You okay mate?" Liam said as he watched his friend take a long drink. 

Louis looked a mess. His naturally ruffled hair was even more crazy than usual, and his muscular body was slumped back into his seat. He looked exhausted. But his blue eyes held the same wild expression they always did.

"Where were you?" Liam asked after getting no reply the first time. Louis just looked at him with a cheeky smile before adding, "I was already on the train."

Liam leaned closer to his friend. 

"Not starting trouble with the Slytherins I hope."

Louis laughed and leaned away from the others in the compartment and more towards Liam.

"Arius Malfoy is even more of a twat this year. He keeps going on about how his grandfather went to school with Harry Potter."

Liam scratched his chin, the mention of Arius bringing disgust to his face. "But he hates Harry Potter, why does he go and brag about him?"

"Nah," Louis said. "He will say anything to get something from those Slytherin girls."

"What about Harry?" Liam asked suddenly.

"Styles? I didn't see him with them."

"Really? That's odd he is always around Arius and his gang."

Louis didn't answer Liam, but instead changed the subject. "I think we better get into our robes now." Not asking any questions, Liam agreed and followed Louis out of the compartment.

They went into the boys room which was already occupied with 4 Hufflepuffs. 

"Dammit," Louis muttered under his breath. Louis didn't like many Hufflepuff boys. But Liam didn't mind them. They were actually quite funny and kind.

"You ready for our last term?"

Liam looked up into the face of Niall, a Hufflepuff who was the favorite of many girls. He had messy blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and was always smiling. Niall was in Liam's Potions Class for 4 years and Liam had grown quite fond of him.

Liam started a conversation with Niall about their past holiday until he noticed 2 Ravenclaw boys walk in. One of them was Zayn.

He was about to smile at Zayn when all of a sudden the outside door flew open.

In walked two Slytherins; Arius Malfoy and Harry Styles.

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