Chapter 24

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Liam lay on his back against his bed after dinner. He had just seen Niall and Cat fighting outside the Great Hall. Great, Liam. He thought. It was probably your fault.

He closed his eyes, and turned around in his pillow trying to forget what happened. Then all of a sudden the door of his bedroom burst open. Louis came into the room-full of tears-and threw himself against his own bed.

Liam jumped out of his bed at once. "Louis? Louis, what's wrong?" He made his way to his bed, and sat down beside him. In all of his years at Hogwarts, he had only seen Louis cry twice. The thought of Louis crying was just so...unthinkable. "Louis, please tell me what's wrong."

Louis turned his head from where he buried it in the pillow. He looked up at Liam, and wiped his face. "It's Harry, Liam."

Liam looked back at Louis. "What about Harry? What did he do to you?" Liam almost felt the need to hit Harry. What could he have done to hurt Louis this much?

"He-he cheated on me. He slept with some other girls. How could he do that to me?" Louis looked at him, his eyes turning even bluer. He looks so sad, Liam thought.

"But how? Why would he do that?" Liam moved over so Louis could sit up. "He's a big jerk, Louis."

Louis laughed at Liam's choice of words. But then his face turned solemn. "Well, I did something too, Liam."

Liam held his breath, "Oh no. What did you do?"

"I kissed Zayn Malik."

Liam stood up, shocked. "Wh-what? How?"

"How? Well, he kissed me. Turns out he likes me. But I don't know. I think I might like him back."

Liam felt a little sick. "You knew I liked him, Louis." His words were full of anger.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Louis looked back at him, confused. But then slowly, his eyes turned wider as understood. "When I asked you, you said you didn't. I can't read your mind you know."

"Well, yeah. If you were actually going to divination instead of sleeping around with sick, Slytherin twats, then maybe you could." Liam felt bad. He knew he shouldn't have said that.

Louis just glared back at him. "Whatever, Liam. I don't need this right now."

"Well, I don't need you right now." Liam threw on his robe, and grabbed some of his books. He shoved past Louis, and headed out of the dormitory. 

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