Chapter 49

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Niall walked with Liam and Zayn back into the building. The only sound was silence, for neither of them knew what to say.

They stopped outside the Gryffindor dormitory and Liam burst into tears.

Niall hugged him, letting Liam cry on his shoulder. "Liam, please don't cry. Everything is going to be okay." He looked at Liam, wiping the tears from his cheek, he kissed him.

Liam smiled. "I'm worried about Louis. What if-"

"Don't even say that, Liam." Zayn came forward, rubbing Liam's back. "Louis is strong. He will be okay."

Liam nodded. "Thanks, Zayn." He turned to Niall and kissed him. "And thanks, Niall. I love you so much."

"I love you, Liam Payne."

Niall and Zayn said their goodbyes to Liam, and watched him, making sure he was okay as he stepped back into the dormitory. Niall would be with Liam soon. But as of right now, Liam wanted to sleep for a while.

They walked away to the great hall together, thankful for each other's company.

"I can't believe what happened." Niall finally broke the silence.

 "I hope Louis will be alright thought." Zayn said. He looked away, and Niall noticed he had started crying.

"He will be, Zayn. He will." He hesitated but then asked the question he wanted to know, "Do you think you and Louis will be together now?"

Zayn immediately shook his head no. "No. It's not right. Not now. I can't."

Niall nodded, unsure of what to say.

Zayn just started crying harder. "I should have know. Harry told me how much he hated himself. But I never-I never knew it was that bad..."

"Nah, don't blame yourself, mate." Niall put his arm around Zayn. "No one knew."

They were silent for a moment. Niall just stood beside Zayn, unsure what to do. He had never seen Zayn cry, and it actually hurt Niall. He remembered how mad he was at Zayn for kissing Liam, but he couldn't let that affect him. Zayn needed a friend.

"Don't worry, Zayn." Niall tried to smile. "Everything will be better soon, okay?"

Zayn looked up at him, he smiled and nodded. "Thanks, Niall. You're a good friend you know that?"

Niall smiled too. "I know. But you're a good friend too."

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