Chapter 21

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Liam walked out of Hogwarts, making his way to Herbology-the most dreaded class of the day.

Not that the class in particular was awful. It was just who was in the class; Niall's unappealing girlfriend, Cat.

Liam just couldn't understand why she was so mean to him. He had never really spoken to her before she started dating Niall. He had never even bothered with her. Yet, she really seemed to hate him.

As he entered the classroom, he noticed it was even louder than usual. Most of the students were all crowed around Professor Longbottom's desk, studying a piece of paper.

What the heck, Liam thought. He made his way to the desk, and noticed it was the scores of their last assignment in class. Not bad, he looked at his grade. It was quite a good mark. He then noticed Cat's grade. Unlike Liam, she didn't fair so well.

"Liam, could I have a word with you?" Professor Longbottom, motioned just towards the door of the green house. Liam nodded, and walked towards him. "First, I'd like to congratulate you Liam. You are getting the highest marks in the class."

"Thanks, Professor." Liam was in all smiles.

"So I was wondering if you will do me a favor." Professor Longbottom cleared his throat. "There are some students in here who need a little help. Would you like to tutor them?"

Liam had tutored his fellow classmates before. He had quite enjoyed it. "Sure, I'd love to Professor."

"Alright, thank you!" he gave Liam a pat on his shoulder. "Can you meet me here after classes? I'd like you to tutor Cat."

Liam's mouth dropped open. "C-Cat?!"

"Yes. Her marks are below the average ones. Strange, she does well in other classes. But-"

"Professor, I'm sorry." Liam blurted out, his voice shaking "But...I can't...I can't tutor her."

Professor Longbottom looked at Liam for a moment, studying him. "Is there anything I could help you with, Liam?"

Liam sighed, and looked on the floor. He felt so bad. Professor Longbottom was always so nice to him. He hated turning him down like this. But there was just no way Liam could be alone with Cat. He couldn't stand the way she treated him. He couldn't take it.

"I'm really sorry, Professor." Liam headed for his seat straight away, not once looking back.

Cat looked over at him. She was the last person he wanted to be near right now.

"So, are you going to tutor me?" she looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't."

"Hm. Let's see what Niall has to say about this." She gave him a look, and getting out of her seat, she made her way to another table.

What would Niall say? Liam thought, sadly. Niall would probably be even more upset with him. But it's not like it mattered. Niall hardly even glanced at Liam nowsadays.

Still Liam missed Niall. He liked having Niall around. He was always smiling, always cheery. He always made you feel happy, and put you in a good mood.

Liam just snuck even lower in his seat, not wanting to even know what was going to happen when Cat told Niall.

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