Chapter 28

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Harry sat in his Charms class, feeling as horrible as ever.

He was heartbroken that Louis had kissed Zayn Malik. But he was more heartbroken over the fact that he thought cheating on Louis was okay. For the past few days, he had done nothing but attend class and sleep. He really missed Louis. When Louis broke up with him, Harry felt as if he had ripped out a part of his heart. Without Louis, he felt so alone-so lonely, and friendless.

"Alright, class I have some wonderful news." Their teacher-the head of Ravenclaw house-Professor Flitwick began. He had been at Hogwarts for ages; he had even fought at the Great Battle. "Harry Potter will be visiting our school next week." Professor Flitwick looked around the room, as everyone's face lit up.

"Harry Potter?" the whispers flew around the room. Harry sat up straighter, ready to hear what Flitwick had to say. In his life, Harry had only met Harry Potter once. And he was just as kind-hearted and humble as everyone has said he was.

"Quiet down. class." The buzzing stopped, as everyone turned their heads towards the professor. "In honor of his visit, we will be throwing a ball. The Yule Ball, to be more exact."

Before Professor Flitwick could even continue, the class burst into excited whispers again. Harry had never attended a ball before. Hogwarts used to have the Yule Ball around Christmas during the Triwizard Tournament. But it was stopped, because the tournament caused too much danger for the students.

Professor Flitwick hit his wand against his wooden desk, causing the whispers to stop.

"Alright, class. I suppose I can call this a free day since I know none of you will be really listening due to what I just told you." His face looked stern, but then he smiled for he was excited too. The whole class burst into cheers of thankfulness.

Harry sat up in his seat; he really was excited for this ball. It would be amazing; the Yule Balls were always rumored to be.

"I hope someone asks me." A pretty, blonde Slytherin girl next to him turned and looked at Harry.

Harry smiled back at her. "I'm sure someone will."

"Who are you going to ask, Harry?" she said back.

Harry just smiled, and looked away. Who was he going to ask? He really wanted to ask Louis, with all of his heart. But he knew Louis would turn him down.

The girl studied Harry for a moment. Then touched his arm and smiled. "I'm sure whoever you ask would be really happy to go with you."

He blushed as he began to pack his charm book into his back. Maybe he should ask Louis. After all Harry didn't know what Louis would really say. It was the Yule Ball after all, maybe Louis's feelings would change.

A Love Mess At HogwartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora