Chapter 26

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Niall and Liam sat together in Liam's room during their 5th period free hour. Liam lay on his bed, his arm around Niall who was lying next to him. Besides snogging, they hadn't really done anything else. Liam liked to wait for a while, and Niall was alright with that.

To Liam, it felt as if he just met Niall. He couldn't get his face, his smile, his sea-blue eyes out of his head. He felt so stupid and silly for being out of sight. He had wasted all this time being alone, and ignoring Niall, chasing after Zayn. And now, Liam spent his days with Niall, and his nights dreaming about him.

He was really falling for him.

But Liam didn't know what to do. He turned and looked at Niall, who had quietly, fallen asleep on Liam's shoulder. Niall was the cutest sleeper. His nose was twitching like a little rabbit, it made Liam laugh. What if I fell in love with him? Liam gently kissed Niall on his nose, making Niall smile in his sleep.

Liam had only been in love once. It was with Zayn. But love was nothing like he thought it was. It was more than holding hands, more than soft kisses. It had its ups. It had its downs. And it came with heartbreak. He didn't want Niall to break his heart. And more importantly, he didn't want to break Niall's heart. Still, Liam would love to love Niall.

"Liam?" Niall turned over in his bed, stretching his arms. "Liam, you ‘wake?"

"Yeah, Niall." Liam sat up, shaking his thoughts away from his head. "We still have about 10 minutes till the next class."

Niall sat up as well, moving closer to Liam. He cupped his hand around Liam's chin, and pulled his face closer to him; his pink, kissable lips touching Liam's.

Liam drew in a breath, and wrapped his arms around Niall's lower back, pulling him closer. Niall moved in closer, so he was almost sitting on Liam. He then pulled his lips from Liam's and moved down to his neck.


Liam quickly turned his head to find Louis standing in the doorway. His expression was shocked. But before Liam could utter one word, Louis was gone.

Liam sat on his bed, speechless. Oh, no. Liam felt sick. He hadn't told Louis about him and Niall. Since their fight about Zayn, they had been avoiding each other. He didn't know what to do know. He hadn't wanted Louis to find out like this.

All of a sudden, Niall burst out laughing.

"What is wrong with you?" Liam turned towards Niall, smacking him on the head with a pillow.

"Oi, Liam! That hurt."

"Sorry, Niall." Liam sighed, and looked at him. Niall sat there, frowning, but slowly, started laughing again. Liam gave in, and laughed too.

"Are you and Louis still fighting?"

Liam nodded, sadly. It wasn't what he wanted. But he didn't know what to do now.

"Well, I think you should go make up. Come on, he's your best mate after all."

Liam looked at Niall, contemplating what he said. He did miss Louis, and he really wanted to tell him about Niall.


After he said goodbye to Niall, Liam went off to find Louis. He found him sitting in an empty classroom, looking miserable.

"Hey Lou."

Louis turned towards Liam, but quickly turned away.

"Look, Louis. I'm sorry." Liam took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I was a jerk. I shouldn't have treated you like that. Especially, when you really needed a friend."

Louis looked up at Liam this time, listening to his words. His eyes were wet, and his face made Liam's heart break.

"I hope you can forgive me. I miss you. I shouldn't have let those things ruin our friendship. You're too special to let go of, Louis." Liam studied Louis, unable to figure out what he was thinking.

Then, Louis smiled and got out of his seat, making his way towards Liam. He then jumped on him, giving him a big hug. "Liam! Of course, I forgive you. But you got to forgive me too."

Liam laughed, and nodded. "Of course I do, Lou. Say, let's head to dinner?"

"Wait a minute; you're not getting away so quickly." Louis pulled Liam's arm, and looked him straight in the eye. "What was going on in the bedroom?"

Liam's cheeks turned bright red. "Er, it's a long story. But I really like him."

Louis nodded, approvingly. "Nice. He sucked your cock yet?"

"Louis!" Liam gasped, making sure no one was around.

"Wait, till he does Liam. Then you will really like him."

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