Chapter 8

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Niall Horan walked along his fellow Hufflepuffs into Honeydukes. It was their first Hogsmeade trip this year and Niall had only one thing on his mind.

A quiet, sweet Gryffindor boy named Liam Payne.

After all those years Niall spent admiring him from afar, he thought it was time to confess his love for Liam.

He entered Honeydukes, ignoring all the tempting candy, and looked for Liam. He spotted him sitting by himself, eating some Bertie Bott beans and looking rather glum.

"Hi ya, Liam."

Niall noticed Liam's face light up a bit, when he saw him. They started talking about their favorite flavor beans, school, and, what they did over the holiday. Niall was really enjoying himself.

He studied Liam for a second, who was in all smiles, his brown eyes dazzling.

"Liam..." Niall began, hold his breath for a second.

This was the perfect chance to do it. Go on Niall, he thought to himself. Here goes nothing. "I want to tel-"

"Hey, have you seen Louis?"

Niall turned around, annoyed. The voice that interrupted him came from a rather moody-looking Ravenclaw named Zayn.

"Louis?" Liam replied immediately, oblivious to Niall. "Er, he's supposed to meet me here why?"

"I just have to copy some Divination notes." Zayn said, matter of factly. He then turned and looked at Niall for a second before returning his gaze to Liam, who went on about the notes.

"We had notes? What? I didn't know. Shoot, you could have used mine. But notes? I didn't-I'm sorry." Liam stopped himself from rambling on, clearly embarrassed. Zayn, on the other hand, stood there staring at Liam, with a bored look on his face.

Niall adjusted his red polo awkwardly. He didn't know if he should leave or not. Things with Liam had been going so well. And then some stupid Ravenclaw had to-

"Wait a minute."

Niall accidently blurted it out, before he quickly covered his hand over his mouth. Zayn and Liam turned and stared at him.

"Um, Liam? I just remembered. I have to go."

Without waiting for an answer, Niall walked out of the store. He kept walking straight into the street and headed for the woods. Not once looking back.

How could he have been so stupid?

 When he was in there with Liam and Zayn, it had been so obvious. He saw the way Liam acted around Zayn. It was the same way Niall acted around Liam.

Liam liked Zayn.

Niall sat down on a rock, hidden from the rest of the students. He wanted to cry. But he knew he shouldn't.

After all, how could Liam ever like him? What made Niall even think that?

Niall wasn't brave, he wasn't smart and he was a Hufflepuff.

Who in their sane mind would pick an average-looking Hufflepuff, who failed at potions, over a dark, Ravenclaw, who looked like a prince from a Disney movie?

Niall knew he shouldn't be thinking these thoughts. He hated feeling this way.

But this hurt.

Niall was supposed to have fun today. He had imagined a great day at Hogsmeade, where he would eventually get Liam to notice him. But no. How could he have been such a dumbass? He wiped his face, and started to head back to Hogsmeade.

As much as this hurt, he had to find a way to get over it.

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