Chapter 25

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Niall sat by himself in the empty library, absentmindedly going through some books. He ran in here, wanting some time to himself. His plan to make Liam jealous had been an absolute flop.

Not only, did he end up with Liam not even noticing his plan. But he had stopped talking to Liam altogether. Still on the bright side of things, he had broken up with Cat.

After dinner, she had come up to him complaining about Liam. He didn't know what it was, but Cat really seemed to dislike Liam. She went on and on completely bashing him, and Niall had just lost it. He told her off, and dumped her right then and there.

Yet, he was still alone and without Liam. He didn't know what to do next. Maybe this isn't meant to be, Niall. He thought sadly. It sure didn't seem like it would be.

Then all of a sudden-as if fate was on his side-Liam made his way into the library.

Niall quickly hid behind his book, trying to not make a sound. This was perfect! He could finally talk to Liam, and everything would be better. He picked up his books, and headed to where Liam sat, at the opposite end of the room.

"Hi ya Liam."

Liam looked back at him, startled. But slowly, he smiled. "Oh, hey Niall."

"Look, Liam. I really got to talk to you." He pulled up a chair, and sat down next to him.

"It's about Cat. Isn't it?" Liam's voice was quiet.

Niall just shook his head. "I broke up with her."

"What? I thought you quite fancied her."

Niall dropped back into the chair and rolled his eyes. "Liam! Are you really that dim-sighted?"

"Excuse me, Niall? I was just asking you. No need to be rude."

"Rude? Liam, don't you see?"

Liam just folded his arms across his chest and looked back at him. "See what? I was simply asking you a question."

Niall got of his chair, and slammed his book on the table. "You are so frustrating Liam! I only dated her to make you jealous. I like you."

 "I am not frustrate-you like me?" Liam turned his head up towards him, his face completely shocked.

"Yes I like you, Liam Payne! I always have. Ever since we first met. I've always thought you were the cutest thing..."

"Niall-" Liam began.

"But you never noticed, Liam. You never did. I'd always go out of my way to talk to you."


"Even the other day at Hogsmeade. I was going to tell you, but you were talking with Zayn."


"I had to tell you, Liam. I couldn't keep it to myself any longer." He then looked at him. "What is it?!"

Liam smiled, and got out of his seat. Pushing his chair back into the table, he came towards Niall. He leaned closer and wrapped his arms around Niall's waist. Liam was so close to him, Niall could smell him. He smelt like Honeydukes, Niall's favorite place.

And before Niall could even blink, Liam leaned forward and kissed him.

Niall stood back, as Liam draped his arms around his waist. Liam gently pulled away, looking back at Niall, his eyes smiling.

"Wow." Was all Niall could say, making Liam laugh.

Niall then pulled into Liam. Holding him tight, he kissed him back-a long, wonderful kiss. It felt exactly like Niall thought it would. "Now, don't you forget about me, Liam." He smiled at him as they kissed some more. 

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