Chapter 14

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Louis walked alongside of Harry through the empty, dark corridors. His hip kept bumping against Harry's, who kept trying to grab his ass.

"Stop it, Harry." Louis whispered playfully. He grabbed Harry by his non-existent hips and pushed him against the wall, pulling his zipper down.

This was the 2nd class Louis skipped today, just to see Harry. Keeping this relationship a secret was a lot harder than he thought. He knew he couldn't go around bunking classes like that forever. But if it meant he would get to see Harry, it was worth it.

Their relationship was, well, fun. They acted like best friends. Yet at the same time were always horny for each other, hooking up every chance they got. They hadn't had sex yet though-Louis had insisted they wait for a while. Still, Louis had never been happier. The way Harry made him feel couldn't be described in any words.

"Oh, fuck. Louis!" Harry moaned, throwing his head back and gripping his hands into Louis's shoulders.

Louis looked up at Harry from below. He was on his knees. "Shut up, you dirty Slytherin."

And with that Louis pushed Harry's cock even deeper into his mouth, closing his lips tight around it.

"Louis!" Harry screamed, almost falling over.

"Shit Harry! I think someone heard us!"

Louis then quickly stood up. He wiped his mouth and dragged Harry-who still had his pants halfway down his legs-under a nearby staircase. They sat there quietly, waiting for someone to pass.

They had snuck over to a darker part of the castle. It was an area where basically no one went. There were rumors that all sorts of creatures were hidden here. It was also a place close to the bathroom where the Chamber of Secrets used to be.

"Well, I don't think anyone was there." Harry grumbled, after a minute passed. "Let's finish, shall we?"

"Calm down, you horny little boy." Louis laughed and leaned against the cold walls where they sat. He pulled Harry close to him so his head was resting on his shoulder.

"Oh Louis, guess what?" Harry turned his head up to Louis, who was playing with Harry's hair. "I'm partnered up with Liam Payne in Potions Class!"

Louis just nodded, but then dropped his hand from Harry's hair as he realized what he heard. "Did you tell him?"

"About us? No, but I think you should. It will make-"

"You think I should tell Liam?"

"Yeah. I think he's a bit scared of me, really. So maybe-"

Louis didn't hear what Harry had to say. He was too busy thinking. Should he tell Liam? He wondered. He and Liam had been so distant lately, and the main reason was because of Harry.

He missed Liam. But what would he say?

Louis looked at Harry."I think I will." He told him with a grin. Harry then looked up and kissed him.


"Liam, I have to talk to you." Louis grabbed Liam in the corridor before their divination class began.

Liam looked at him a little surprised, but then nodded and followed him around a corner. Louis waited until they were alone before he cleared his throat. But before he could even say anything, Liam opened his mouth.

"I've been meaning to ask. Are you okay, Lou?" Liam looked at him, his eyes full of concern.

Louis sighed. He hadn't realized just how much he missed Liam. "Yeah, I'm fine. I've been-"

"You haven't been dueling with Slytherins, have you?"

"No, Liam. I've been-"

"Cause, you know. We can't have you-"


Louis looked at his best friend, who frowned back at him. "I'm sorry. It's just...well...I've been seeing someone."

Right away Liam's face lit up. "I knew it!"

Louis laughed, a bit nervous. "Well, do you know who?"

"Is she a Gryffindor?"

Louis looked down, and played with his hands. "Sl-slytherin."

Liam looked a bit taken back, but then smiled. "Nice! How did you manage that?"

"It's Harry." The words came out of his mouth, before he could stop them.


"Harry. I'm dating Harry Styles."

Liam just gave Louis a look, as if he was expecting him to laugh and tell him it was a joke. Well, that is that. Louis thought, sadly.

"Cool." Liam looked up at Louis suddenly. He then nodded his head and smiled, "Alright."

"You're-you're not mad?" Louis looked back at Liam with hope.

"No." Liam sighed. "You're my best friend, Louis. If you like Harry, then you liked Harry. There's nothing I can-"

"Thanks Liam!" Louis pulled his friend into a hug, pinching his butt.

"Louis! We wouldn't want Harry to see that." Liam smiled at him, as he rubbed his butt where Louis pinched it.

"Shh!" Louis nudged Liam as someone walked by. It was Zayn, the Ravenclaw who was also in their Divination class. He looked at Louis and smiled, and then at Liam who turned bright red. Louis tried not to laugh as he watched Liam look at Zayn.

"Er, care to explain?" Louis turned towards Liam, laughing, as soon as Zayn entered the class.

"It's nothing!"

"Hmm, really? Doesn't look like that to me!"

"Just because you like someone, doesn't mean I have to as well!"

Louis laughed and slapped Liam on the butt as they walked into class. Liam turned around at him, glaring, but then smiled. Louis smiled back. He had missed his best friend.

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