Chapter 17

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Liam was walking to his Herbology class with a big smile on his face.

After Louis and him talked, things started to get better. He did feel a bit weird that Louis was dating Harry Styles, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. But it's not like Liam really knew Harry. Louis always had good judgment on others. Maybe Harry wasn't as bad as Liam thought.

"You have new seats today, Mr. Payne." Professor Longbottom said to Liam, an apologetic look on his face. He was one of the more favored professors at Hogwarts. Not only was he close friend with the Harry Potter, but was also kind and extremely good looking.

Liam nodded back, and got up from his old seat.

"You sit by me."

He turned around and looked into the face of Niall's new girlfriend, Cat. Liam sat down besides her, unsure of what to say.

She looked over at him, sizing him up. Then raised her eyebrow, and flipping her hair, she turned the other way.

How is she a Ravenclaw? Liam thought bitterly. He didn't mean to be rude, but he would never expect Niall to date someone like her.

Speaking of Niall, Liam felt he had been acting so odd lately. In the past, Niall would always run to Liam; telling him the latest news, or walk with him to class. But ever since Niall got a girlfriend, he acted like Liam hardly existed.

"Are you going to pass that plant? Or just sit there playing with yourself?" It came for a voice Liam hated to hear.

He passed over the plant to Cat, who just stared at him.

"You've got quite a big nose." She looked at him with a laugh, flipping her hair. "I bet it doesn't match your dick."

Liam gasped as he put his hand on his nose. Was she really speaking like this to him?

"Excuse me?" he looked at her, disgusted. Seriously, what on earth was Niall thinking?!

"Can you go to the counter and pick up those toadstools?" her voice suddenly turned sweet.

Not wanting to be rude, he nodded and got out of his seat, collecting the toadstools. He watched Cat as he returned to his seat. He couldn't believe how rude she was! He couldn't believe happy, go-lucky Niall was dating her.

He was so distracted by his thoughts, he didn't notice a plant on a floor. Before he could catch himself, he tripped over it, dropping the toadstools all over the floor.

Professor Longbottom quickly came to help him up, while some of his classmates laughed. Liam tried to ignore them, before he heard Cat's familiar, high-pitched voice.

"He's such a loser." She said, laughing with some other kids.

Liam tried not to cry as he picked up the crushed toadstools. How strange how such a nice day, could turn out like this.

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