Chapter 12

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"Harry? You okay, mate?" Arius Malfoy, looked at his friend lying on the bed in their shared dorm. Harry had his hands covering his face, as if he had a severe headache.

He then looked at Arius, who strangely looked concerned. But then smirked and nudged Harry.

Harry turned over to the other side, and rolled his eyes. He had been friends with Arius since his first year and had gotten to know him pretty well. Like, for example, Arius would never show sympathy towards anyone. And if he did, he would always make it sound sarcastic.

"Come on. Don't be a little twat, Harry! Get out of bed. This is our last year at this shithole."

Harry turned around a bit annoyed.

"Where are you going?" he looked at Arius, who was changing into a dark, red hoodie, a contrast to his pale, blonde hair.

Arius smiled at Harry, and nudged towards the door.

"Crabbe and Goyle brought us some friends to play with." Arius said, with his signature smirk.

Harry tried not to laugh. As bad as it was, getting with girls had been a competition between some of the Slytherin boys.

They would always see who could shag the most girls a year-extra points if she was a Gryffindor-and at the end of the year count up the point. The Slytherin boy with the most points would be awarded a free lunch at The Three Broomsticks, paid by the others of course. Harry always won-that is when Arius didn't beat him.

 It was such a mean, sick game. And Harry knew it. Yet every year he still continued to play.

"You coming?" Arius looked at him hopefully.

Harry debated what to do. He liked spending time with Arius. But Harry was with Louis now.

He shouldn't be sleeping around with other girls, right?

Yet, the way Louis had ran out on Harry today to be with Liam, pissed him off.

Louis didn't even say if they were together or not.

So it was okay if Harry shagged some girls tonight, right?

It wouldn't be cheating. Harry didn't like those girls.

"Yeah. I'll come." Harry got up and followed Arius out before could his own mind. He was still wearing the same clothes from earlier-a tight, black shirt, and blue jeans. They were a bit wrinkled but Harry didn't have time to change.

He didn't want the time to think about what he was going to do.


Harry snuck a peek at Arius, who seemed to be really enjoying himself.

Arius and he, along with Crabbe, Goyle and a few other boys, were sitting in their common room making out with other girls from different houses. Professor Zabini, the head of Slytherin house, was so busy that they always got away with it.

Arius was sitting on the couch, opposite the fireplace, with a very cute brunette. She was sitting on top on him, kissing his neck. Arius had one hand on her chest, and the other slowly trying to make its way up her skirt.  

Harry laughed in spite of himself.

A pretty, red-haired girl named Hayley, stopped kissing Harry and looked where he was looking. She quietly laughed too.

Harry didn't know how Arius did it, but he got two Gryffindor girls to come to their common room-Hayley and the hot brunette with the skirt. Normally, Gryffindors and Slytherins wouldn't have anything to do with each other.

But as much of a douche as Arius could be, he could also be quite the charmer. Harry always noticed how the girls stared at him. He looked like a clone of his grandfather, Draco Malfoy, who was supposedly very good-looking back in the day.

Harry turned towards Hayley, and started stroking her leg.

"Hey," he whispered, "Want to go upstairs?" He wasn't going to let Arius win this year.

"Um...I don't know."

"Come on, babe." He said, taking her hand in his.

"Oh, alright." She flatted her hair at the sides and stood up, glancing at the brunette girl with Arius.

"She a friend of yours?" Harry asked, checking her out.

Hayley just nodded, still looking at her.

"Damn, she's so fit. Arius' pants must be worse than the Quidditch World Cup right now." Harry said with a laugh.

He then made his way into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

He faced towards Hayley, and starting kissing her neck, removing her shirt. She moved backwards, as they both fell into the bed. Harry then pulled his pants down a bit, and tried to ignore the image of Louis, which kept appearing in his mind.

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