Chapter 31

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Harry snuck around a corner, trying not to be seen by Filch the Hogwarts caretaker with a creepy reputation. He knew he shouldn't be out at this hour, but he had to find Louis.

After all the thought he gave it, Harry decided to man up and ask Louis to the ball. The worst thing that could happen was he could turn him down, right?

Plus, Harry missed Louis. He missed him terribly. He needed to be with him. He needed a chance to just talk to him, trying to get him to understand that he meant what he said. He did love Louis.

Harry was so tired. He had been walking around the school in search for him for over 1 hour. The ball was in 2 days. He only had 2 days left to ask Louis.

Not wanting to give up, he made his way up the stairs passing the Ravenclaw tower. What he saw leaving the tower, completely froze him in his steps.

Quickly, Harry turned around and hid behind a corner, watching Louis leave the tower. He couldn't believe it. Louis was with Zayn.

Harry sat down, and hugged his legs, crying. You deserve this Harry. He tried to fight the words that filled his head, but he knew it was true. You are the cause he is with him. It's your fault. You hurt him.

He knew he deserved this. He had treated Louis so badly; he made him feel like dirt. How could he have done that to him? Louis deserved better than Harry, even if it was with Zayn.

Harry just sat there were he was, too damaged to remember anything. He didn't get up. He just remained there and cried himself to sleep.


"Harry? Harry, what the fuck you doing?"

Harry woke from a strong kick in his knee. He looked up towards the face of Arius. But looking around the room, he began to feel confused. What was he doing in the hallway?But then he remembered. He remembered everything that happened last night.

"Get up. You look like shit. Come, let's get something to eat."

Harry forced himself to get up, straightening out his robe. He couldn't believe he had actually fallen asleep here. He followed Arius into the Great Hall, sitting down at the table ready for breakfast.

"So, you asked anyone to the ball yet?" Arius turned to Harry, with his signature smirk on his face.

Harry just shook his head, not looking up from his plate. His plan to ask Louis was crushed. He knew Louis would be attending the ball with Zayn, there was no point in even trying to ask him now.

"Why don't you ask that Hayley girl? You know, the Gryffindor." Arius nodded towards the Gryffindor table, and Harry followed his gaze.

Giving it some thought, Harry figured he might as well. If he couldn't go with Louis, why not go with someone he sort of liked? "Who are you taking?" Harry then asked Arius.

Arius just grinned. "You know I never take dates."

Harry laughed, at Arius's cockiness. He never understood how Arius could be the biggest twat ever, but still get plenty of girls.

Hayley got up ready to leave, so Harry finished up and tried to catch up with her. Straightening up his hair, he stopped her in the hall. "Hey, babe."

She turned around, and gave him a little smile.

"So, I was wondering. Want to go to the ball with me?"

Hayley titled her head, studying him for a moment. She then narrowed her eyes, and laughed. "You seriously think I'd go with you?"

Harry's mouth dropped open. He stood there completely in shock, just listening.

"I mean, come on Harry. You slept with my friend. Plus, I have a date, and you're not my type..."

"What's that suppose to mean?!" Harry shot back.

"You thought you were using me right? Well, you were wrong. I liked Dianna, the girl you cheated on me with. I never really liked you, Harry."

No words could come out of Harry's mouth. He couldn't believe this!

Hayley pushed her red-wavy hair out of her face, looking at Harry. She sighed, her voice becoming calmer. "You shouldn't use people like that, Harry."

With that she shrugged and walked away, leaving Harry standing by himself. Bitch, he thought. How on earth could this happen? What would he tell Arius?

Harry tried to gather what was left of his pride, and walked straight up to his dormitory. This ball would really be something.

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