Chapter 33

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It was the day of the Ball, and Liam ran around his room like a mad hatter. As excited as he was for tonight, he was also quite nervous.

Tonight would be his first real date with Niall. Sure, they spent lots of time together, but nothing formal yet.

‘For God's sake, Liam! Put some clothes on!" Louis walked out of their room, throwing a blanket at Liam's naked body.

Liam then looked down at himself, and almost screamed. He was so nervous about the ball, he forgot to put on clothes after his shower!

Deciding the clothes could wait; he wrapped a towel around his waist, and began to shave for tonight. Liam knew Niall wouldn't care what he looked like. But he still wanted to impress Niall.

He never knew he could feel this way about anyway. Niall always kept his heart racing, just thinking about him made Liam smile.

Liam got dressed for the day, and decided to go get some breakfast. He could barely even get through the common room! The whole place was jam packed with girls; fixing their hair, doing themselves up. Liam hoped he hadn't looked like that to Louis.

Liam made his way towards the Great Hall, relieved to see the hall was much more peaceful than their dormitory. He then spotted Zayn Malik, walking towards the hall from the opposite end of the building.

Hoping he wouldn't be seen, Liam put his head down and quickened his pace.

"Hey, Liam." Zayn's voice went through the empty halls.

Liam stopped, and awkwardly turned around. Not knowing what to do, he waved.

"How's Louis?" Zayn looked sincere.

Feeling bad for him, Liam decided to stop and talk. "He's better, Zayn." He said with a smile. "He does care about you, I hope you know that."

Zayn looked down, and played with his hands, smiling. "Yeah, I know. But he told me not to wait for him."

"Yeah, that would make sense." Liam started, "I mean it's a more practical thing to do. Both of you need some time to think. It wouldn't be fair if-"

But before Liam could finish, he was stopped-by Zayn's lips.

Liam completely froze, as Zayn wrapped his arms around Liam, pulling him close. Then Liam kissed him back. He had waited so long for this, it was exactly how he imagined it.

Liam let Zayn's hand travel down his body, as they kissed for a while longer. Zayn is so hot, Liam loved the way he felt right now as Zayn kissed him hard, lightly touching him over his pants.

Suddenly, Zayn stopped and jerked his head behind him. Liam looked too.

But before either could even say anything, Niall had already run away; his blue eyes in tears. 

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