Chapter 44

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Louis lay next to Harry in his bed. His body was fixed-and thanks to Harry's return-so was his heart. He had waited for this moment so long.

"I missed that, Harry. I almost forgot how hot you get me." He rubbed his nose against Harry's face, smiling.

"I almost forgot how fit your bum is." Harry flashed him a cheeky grin. He moved closer to him, and pulled the sheets over him.

He sank into the pillow, looking at Harry's face. "But really, Harry. I've missed you. I'm glad you're back in my life again."

Harry kept quiet and looked away for a moment.

Not catching onto anything, Louis continued. "I think-You're the one for me, Harry."

Harry looked back at him, catching his eye. Then to Louis's shock, Harry burst into tears.

"Harry? Harry, what is it?" Confused, Louis held his hands. But Harry just kept crying harder. "Harry-?"

Harry wiped his eyes, and sat up. "Louis, I need to tell you-"

"Tell me what?" Louis interrupted.

Harry held his hand and began. "When you got hurt, you fell-you fell because of me."

"I don't understand."

Harry just shook his head. "Arius found us. He found us-together. He was going to tell. And I-I told everyone you were a...I told everyone you were a faggot."

Louis froze, trying to take Harry's words in.

"And you heard me. You heard, and ran. There was a fight-and you fell."

Louis let go of Harry's hand, and got out of the bed, shaking his head. He wasn't able to believe what Harry just told him.

"Louis-" Harry stood up, and looked at him, waiting to see what would happen.

"Go away." It came out of Louis's mouth like a whisper.


"GO AWAY, HARRY!" Louis threw Harry's clothes at him, pushing him down. "I never want to see you again. Don't ever come back here."

Louis threw himself on the bed, pulling the covers over him. Why had Harry waited to tell him? Why did Harry always hurt him like this?

He had been hurt by Harry many times before, but this felt the worse. They made love with each other, Louis had even told Harry he was the one. Why did Harry wait, and keep such a secret from him? Didn't Harry love him back?

Heartbroken from his thoughts, Louis covered his ears, not wanting to hear the door shut behind him.

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