Chapter 2

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"So if it isn't the gay Gryffindors."

Arius Malfoy made his way into the already crowded bathroom, his best friend Harry Styles by his side. Arius's eyes traveled the room, and landed on Liam giving him a smirk that made it seem as if his comment was directed to him.

"Did it take you all summer to come up with that shitty comeback, Arius?"

Louis made his way into the front, closer to where the two Slytherin boys stood.

"Funny Louis. Have a nice holiday? It was pretty hot. Did you have fun wearing all your sisters cami's?" Arius started laughing, nudging Harry who just seemed lost.

Liam took a step towards Arius preparing to tell him off. He hated him sometimes. Arius would always pick on Louis for having too many sisters and not enough money. Even though Louis didn't mind, it bothered Liam a lot.

Before he could say anything, he saw a familiar dark haired Ravenclaw boy come forward.

"Fuck off, Arius and get out." Zayn said, making it a point to look down on Arius. "It's already crowded enough in here without your fat ass."

Arius muttered something under his breath and stormed out of the room, slamming the door hard behind him. Harry took a minute looking at Liam and Louis, and then left too.

Liam smiled. No matter how quiet Zayn was, there was something about him that intimated all the boys, even the Slytherin ones.

Liam was thinking of something clever he could say to Zayn about what just happened. But before he had the chance, Zayn had already left the room with the two other Ravenclaws.

"Well, you ready?" Louis asked, as he adjusted his Gryffindor robe. Liam nodded and began to follow Louis out.

"See you around, Liam"

Niall turned Liam giving him a big smile. Still thinking about Zayn, Liam just smiled and made his way out.


"So what classes you got?" Arius said to Harry as the rest of the Slytherins ate their breakfast.

It was their first official day back. Arius acted like he hated Hogwarts, but Harry knew Arius was really just as glad to be back as Harry was.

Harry loved it here. Even though he knew about magic all his life, it was still a dream to him. To Harry, Hogwarts seemed like a place that was too good to even exist.

"I have Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Potions..uh"

"Ah I have Charms too. I heard we have it with the Gryffindors though. Way to take a piss on the day."

Harry just laughed. Sometimes Arius would really annoy him. But other times he could also be quite fun.

"Hey, they aren't that bad." Harry said, feeling a bit bad for the Gryffindors.

"Kristen's alright-well she's hot." Arius said, ignoring Harry rolling his eyes. "That Liam bloke doesn't say much. I don't mind him. Louis though...what a good for nothing bastard."

Harry frowned before looking away from Arius. Arius and Harry were good friends. But there was something Harry never told him. Something he never told anyone in fact.

Last year Harry's older brother passed away. He was the only member of the family who wasn't a wizard and he had a job as a scientist working with chemicals. There had been an accident one day, which was so dangerous and bad, it took his brother's life. Arius's father and a couple others from the Ministry had come to school to escort Harry home and tell him the bad news.

But before they said anything, Harry had overheard them talking in the Headmaster's office.

What they were saying broke Harry's heart.

For an hour, he just listened to them completely bashing his brother. They went on about how the world was better off getting rid of this "muggle bastards" and many other horrible things.

Harry couldn't believe wizards could say such things. All his life, he had looked up to this people.

He had been completely broken.

Not being able to take it anymore, he had ran into the bathroom to hide. He thought he was alone in there, until Louis walked in.

Louis had heard Harry crying, and instead of making fun of him like Harry thought he would, Louis was kind to him. He sat by Harry and listened to him.

Thinking about Louis, Harry picked up his books and headed towards his first class.

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