Chapter 3

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"Hey Liam." Niall said, giving the handsome brunette boy a big smile.

It was the beginning of their final Potions class. Niall hated Potions. If it wasn't for Liam, he wouldn't have even had a chance of passing throughout his years.

"Oh hey Niall."

Liam took a seat besides Niall, peering into the heavy, black cauldron.

Liam was fascinated with the strangest things, Niall thought, watching him put his face into the caldron.

Niall found Liam so cute.

He had a crush on him ever since he first saw him, 6 years ago. Having non-magical parents Liam had walked into Hogwarts completely taken back. It was the way Liam's face lit up every time magic was done that amazed Niall. He felt that he had to become friends with this boy.

And he did, eventually falling in love with him.

Niall forced himself to stop thinking about that, and pulled his text book out. Liam would never like him like that, Niall told himself. He was very popular among all the girls.

"Alright class. We will have a test first thing. So get out your materials. I want to see how much you know about Potions." Professor Zabini said, receiving groans from the class as he walked around the room. He was a tall, dark-skinned man. He came from a family of attractive people, and his face showed it. Yet still, he was very intelligent. "Stop your groaning. I am making it a bit easier. You may partner up."

Niall sighed with relief. He was always worried about his marks. He did get quite good ones, but Potions was always his worst. But with Liam as a partner he didn't have to worry.

"So me and you then?" Niall moved over a little closer to where Liam sat.

"Of course Niall, it's always you." Liam replied, making the blonde boy blush.

They got started on their potion, Liam eventually taking over. Niall was good with books and spells. But making potions? He was shit. Being full of energy, he could never sit still and hurried it up too fast.

 But Liam? Niall thought as he watched Liam reading carefully. Liam was perfect at making potions. He never got it wrong. Even though Liam was a Gryffindor, he was one of Professor Zabini's favorites.

They finished their potion-receiving 10 points to Hufflepuff and Gryffindor-and packed up their things, leaving the room.

"You going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, Liam?" Niall turned towards Liam, flashing the smile he was famous for.

"Yeah, I think so. You are I'm guessing?" Liam started to speed up a bit, trying to make it through the packed hallways.

"Hell yeah! I'd never miss a trip to Honeydukes."

Liam laughed at Niall's comment, giving him a small wave before turning the corner down into the other hall.

Niall watched Liam go up the stairs, a smile forming on his face. But it's not like Liam would do anything with Niall, Niall told himself as he made his way to class.

He felt Liam would never like him like that.

Not the way Niall liked him.

 But then again, it was the beginning of a whole new year, Niall grinned and ran along trying to catch up with some Hufflepuffs.

Just maybe...

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