Chapter 45

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Zayn walked to the library by himself. After all the mess that had gone down, all he wanted was some peace and quiet. And reading was always the perfect way to gain it.

Thankfully, the library was pretty empty too. He made his way around the shelves, stopping and looking for an interesting book.

His mind was packed with thoughts. He felt bad for Louis, but he also felt bad for Harry. Seeing Harry cry-seeing him so broken-Zayn knew then he had to stop going after Louis.

Louis was meant to be with Harry.

It did hurt though. Knowing that hurt him a lot. But Zayn knew he'd be okay.

 He always was.

He picked up a book and sat down at a table. He tried to read, but the thoughts were still swimming through his head. He didn't want to think right now, he just wanted to forget it.

"Can I sit here?"

He looked up to see Scarlett, the girl from the dance. Zayn nodded, and moved his seat over.

She sat down, and ran her hands over her Slytherin badge. "You alright? I saw what happened the other night at the ball."

Zayn just looked away and shrugged, not wanting to talk about it.

"Sorry." She said quickly. "I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's alright." Zayn stopped her. "What did you say your last name was?"

"I didn't." she smiled. "It's Slughorn. Quite ugly, I know."

Zayn laughed. "Slughorn? That sounds familiar. But don't worry, you could never be ugly." He moved his seat closer, to hers and bit his lip, checking her out.

"Yeah?" she raised her eyebrow. "While neither could you."

Before Zayn could even blink, she leaned over and kissed him. Zayn pulled away.

"I'm sorry." Scarlett turned red. "I shouldn't have done that."

She picked up her things, but Zayn stopped her. "No, I liked it."

He pulled her seat closer, and kissed her hard this time. Smiling, he finally let her go.

"Say, want to hang out later? We could go to the Three Broomsticks?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice." She nodded, grinning.

Zayn grinned back at her. He knew he would be alright. 

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