Chapter 13

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"I'm sorry Mr. Payne, but it looks like you have no choice." Professor Zabini said with a stern voice. He looked at Liam, who slowly put his head down.

Niall sighed from his side of the table. It was the day after their Hogsmeade trip and he had Potions class. He would normally have spent this class with Liam. It was something he quite enjoyed, but not today.

Niall really liked Liam. But sadly, Liam liked Zayn. Niall couldn't just sit around being miserable all day. No, that wasn't like him. He was always cheerful, always smiling.

So he had gotten this idea-an idea which seemed quite stupid now. He planned that he would get a girlfriend and attempt to make Liam jealous.

Niall was very popular among all the girls. Getting a girlfriend wouldn't be a problem for him.

But it was a problem.

Out of all the girls he could have chosen, he had to pick one that turned out to be a complete bitch. Thank goodness she hadn't made it to Potions class yet, giving Niall some peace and quiet for himself.

Way to go, Niall. He thought to himself with a sarcastic laugh.

He knew what he was doing was wrong. He shouldn't be using people like this.

Yet, the way his "girlfriend" acted sometimes-Niall felt she deserved it.

He had asked a Ravenclaw named Cat, to go out with him. She was very easy on the eyes, but horrible on the ears.

But whatever, that was the price Niall had to pay to show Liam what he was missing out on.

"Hey, Nialler." Cat came to Niall's table all of a sudden, making him jump. Before he could say hi, she pulled him by his yellow-striped, Hufflepuff tie and planted a big kiss on his lips.

As soon as she pulled away, Niall turned and glanced at Liam. There he sat at the other end of the room, glaring back at them.

Was he jealous, or just mad? Niall felt so bad for Liam. He had to make his whole "girlfriend plan" look realistic. So today in Potions, he told the Professor that he would be partnering up with Cat instead of Liam.

Poor, puppy-dog eyed Liam then came to class to be told he would have to partner up with someone else. And not just anyone, but a Slytherin, named Harry.

Niall knew how uncomfortable Liam was around Arius Malfoy and Harry Styles. Niall watched Liam, as he awkwardly tried to start a potion with Harry. He desperately wanted to go over there and help him.

But he couldn't.

No, Niall had to stick to his plan.

If he wanted Liam, he had to make Liam want him.

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