Devin Booker

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This imagine was requested by NieeNiee.
Your POV:

Your phone rings and you answer.

"Hi, Niesha. How are you?" you hear your brother, Tyler Ulis, from the other line.

"Good... And you?"

"Always good... I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to phoenix for a pool party that I'm gonna have."

"Of course! When?"

"I'll pick you up tomorrow... And you can stay here at my house for a week if you want. Is it okay?"

"More than okay! See you tomorrow"

"See ya" He hangs up and you put your phone down, preparing some clothes to take.

Time skip...

Your brother knocks on the door and you pick all your luggages and head to his car.

"Hi, brother! I didn't see you in a long time" You say, hugging him.

"Yeah, I know... Now we can hang out some time with that pool party" He says, kissing your cheek.

You head to his house, in Phoenix, and you notice a big house with a big pool and lots of people inside.

"Is this your house? How did you manage to buy a house like this?" You ask, amazed.

"It's called basketball... You receive money if you play well, and I play very well so I have lots of money" He says, smirking.

"Show off" You say, laughing and rolling your eyes, getting your things inside the house.

You find lots of people and put your things in one of the empty rooms.

"What's a good girl like you doing here all alone?" A tall guy says, standing at the door.

"Do I know you?" You say, looking at him up and down, admiring his features.

"I'm sure not because if I knew you before you wouldn't be single by now." He says, licking his lips.

"I'm Niesha... You are?"

"The man of your dreams, also called Devin Booker." He says, smirking.

"What are you doing here?" Tyler arrives and turns to Devin.

"Who's your new guest that I don't know from nowhere?" He asks, with his eyes on you.

"Get your eyes off my sister!!" Tyler says, smacking his chest.

"Oh, she's your sister. Lucky you" Devin says, turning to Tyler.

"Leave Niesha alone, Devin" He says, getting him out of the room and closing the door.

"What was that? I was liking that friend of yours..." You say, crossing your arms.

"He's a freak... Don't mess with him. He likes to flirt the first time he sees a girl and then continues until he finds one better." He says, very serious.

"Calm down, bro... You're being so dramatic! Let me do my thing and give me some freedom." You say, getting out of the room.

You head to the pool and take your clothes off to jump in. As your head comes out of the water, you see Devin siting there on the pool talking to some guys. He sees you and comes swimming to you.

"All those curves and I have no breaks" He says, looking at your body features.

"If you were a basketball I would never shoot you, because I'd always miss you" You say, smiling at him.

"Damn, that was smooth... I didn't know that one" He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Where did you find those hella good abs?" You say, admiring all his defined muscles. He blushes hard and smiles at you.

"Are you always that cute or is it just around me?" You ask, smirking at his shyness.

"I never had a girl flirting back at me before, but that's a good new thing. I liked it."

"Sorry, I didn't hear you. I just got lost in your eyes."

"What's a good girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?" Devin says, putting his hands around your waist and pulling you closer.

"I like to feel the warmth of your body" You say, starting to blush. He looks into your eyes and then at your lips.

"Yout lips look so lonely... Would they like to meet mine?" He asks, hope in his eyes.

"Just kiss me already" You say, bringing your lips against his.

"I would like to have a flirty girl like you by my side, if you know what I mean..." He says, smirking down at you.

"I don't have plans for the rest of my life so I think it's an yes. But let's keep it a secret because my brother really doesn't like you"

"Don't worry about your brother... I have everything under control" He says, getting underwater with you and kissing you passionately.
Hope you like it! 😉


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