Juan Hernangomez

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This imagine was requested by aliceisinwanderland.
Your POV:

Studying law was taking all your time and you felt tired. Most of your friends were in stable relationships and you didn't even have time to hangout with them anymore. Although the last times you did, you felt like you were strongly third wheeling, but you still liked to spend time with your friends.

"Sorry, I've been really busy. Maybe tomo-"

"Yeah yeah, 'maybe tomorrow', right? You've been saying that for years... Girl, you have to have a life outside of your studies!" One of my friends said through the phone.

"I know but it's really hard... I really have to stud-"

"Study? Girl... All your life, all you did was study. Don't you think you need a break? I swear to God, tonight I'm letting this slide but get ready because, tomorrow night, you're going on a blind date. And I don't care how much you whine! It's settled!"

You sighed.

"Okay... I hope it turns out well"

"Of course it will! Don't you trust me? I'll find someone worthy of you, don't worry, guuuurl. See you tomorrow!" Then, she hangs up.

"Well, if tomorrow's my day off, I'll have to study on double today" And so you grabbed your books and studied all night.

The next day...

You hear a knock on your door and pause your studies to go open it.

"Hey, giiiiiirl. Are you read- what are you wearing???" Your friend was at the door, looking at you like she saw a ghost.

"I was studying. So, something comfy and"

"And old and wrinkly and- oh lord! We have so much to do!" She says, entering your house full speed.

"But it's only 5pm..." You said, confused.

"Yeah, so? It's a dinner, at a restaurant. You have to look nice! You have to cause a good impression"

"I was planning to throw something on like some jeans I had in my closet or something like that"

"Jeans? You should be glad I'm here to help you out, Alice." She says, storming up your stairs to your bedroom. You laugh at her rush and follow her.

"You go take a shower! I'll choose something from your closet and I'll help you with your hair and makeup, okay?" She starts pushing you to the bathroom.

"But, I want to help you choose!" She stops pushing you and sighs at you.

"We both know that you don't have the best taste" she says, pointing at my outfit.

"C'mon, you know I was studying!" You laugh.

"And what will you dress? Grocery shopping jeans? Or your 'going to court represent a prisoner' outfit? Either way, that's bad, so, I'm helping you" you actually agree with her and roll your eyes.

"FINE. Do what you want. But if I don't like the outfit, I'm changing!" You enter the bathroom and close the door behind you.

"Yeaaaahhh! Believe me, you'll like it" she says, excitedly.

You shower, taking your sweet time and doing your skin care and hair routine since you had time. You entered your bedroom and see all your clothes scattered around.

"Girl, are you serious?" You say, closing your eyes.

"It's done! I've chosen your outfit!" She says, pointing at your bed. "Don't worry about all this, I'll put it back later."

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