Chapter 2

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My heart was racing as I reached for the phone on my night stand. "Hello?" my voice trembled. "Hey Jen, it's Lenny."
My heartbeat begin to slow a bit as I heard the click of my mom hanging up on her end. As humiliating as it may be to hear what he is about to say, it won't be near as bad as if it was coming from his mom or my parents.
"Hey listen I'm sorry about all the stuff I said in the car. It was highly inappropriate and I don't know what came over me. It won't happen again I can assure you. Please can we just keep it between us?"
"Well was it true?"
"Was what true?"
"Did you used to fantasize about me?"
"Yes but I should have never shared that with you. I apologize and I hope we can move forward without any awkwardness."
"Well that depends. Do you still fantasize about me?"
"Please stop we shouldn't be discussing this."
"I will take that as a yes."
"Lenny please...."
"Oh calm down I'm just messing with you!"
"So you won't tell anyone?"
"Who would I tell?!"
"I don't know...your mom, my mom, my dad..."
"Holy shit girl why would I tell any of them something like that?! I don't want to ruin their perfect picture of sweet innocent Jensen. You know my mom thinks the world of you. If I had a penny for how many times I've heard her gush over how wonderful you are, I would be rich."
"I don't know I guess I just remember when I was younger and did something bad you always told on me."
"Jensen you're not a little girl anymore. I'm not going to tattle. Your secret is safe with naughty girl!"
My breath hitched in my throat from those 3 little words. How many times had I thought about him saying things like that to me. But never like this. He is making fun of me. He must find this hysterical and I have a feeling he is going to use it at my expense for his own humor.
"Jen are you still there?"
"Um yeah so were you calling to just make fun of me or did you actually have a reason?"
"Sugar I would never make fun of you if that's what you are thinking. I was calling bc when I got back at mom's, Zoe is having a downright meltdown that you left. Lisa is coming to get her from me tomorrow evening. She won't be back for awhile. Her and Lisa are going on vacation for a couple weeks. I promised her I would ask you if you could see her again before she left."
"Of course! I get off at 4:00 tomorrow. I can swing by your moms after that."
"Oh sorry I wasn't very clear she will be at my house tomorrow. Could you swing by there?"
"By the time I get there it will be at least 5:00. Will she still be there?"
"Yeah Lisa will come around 7:00 to pick her up. Thanks I really appreciate it. She has grown quite attached to you. I think I can see why."
Is he flirting? Or just being nice? Again I've gone speechless.
"Hello? Jen? So I'll see you around 5:00?"
"Sure. I'll be there."
"Oh and Jensen..."
"After Zoe leaves I'm going to need to hear exactly what these fantasies involved."
I dropped the phone. As I scrambled to pick it up I hear Zoe saying she's ready to leave. I hear Lenny tell her I will be coming over tomorrow and she squeals in delight. I laugh to myself and am thankful to avoid his last words to me.
"Ok well see y'all tomorrow." I say and quickly end the phone call. I fall back onto my pillow and try to calm myself. How can I be so excited yet scared of something at the same time. I can't wait to go to his house yet I'm dreading it. What if he really does ask me about the details of my fantasies. Will I tell him? My mind is spinning. I have to release some of this tension. I start to do what I've done so many nights but this time the prospect of him actually doing these things to me may actually be in the realm of possibility. That alone is making everything more intense. The fact that my years of fantasies about him may actually become reality soon. I know I am probably reading way too much into it, but this is the closest I've ever gotten to thinking he may want me back and I'm taking advantage of it. I slide my hand up to my breasts and begin squeezing them and circling my nipples until they harden, imagining it is his hands doing the work. I then maneuver my right hand down to my pants and slip them off along with my soaked panties. I take my index finger and begin gliding over my clit, back and forth, up and down, in circles. I think about what I would want his tongue doing to me as I make my way down to my entrance and slowly thrust two of my fingers in and out. In and out faster and harder wishing it was his hard dick sliding in and out of my wet pussy. I bring my warm moist fingers back up to my clit and feverishly begin rubbing while moaning his name. I've done this so many times over the years I've lost count but this time I can almost feel him there with me. The feeling becomes so intense that my orgasm comes fast and furious and I scream in ecstasy louder than I ever have before. Before I can even come down from my high, I hear my mom outside my door. "Honey are you ok? I heard a scream."
"Yeah mom I'm fine I just saw a spider! I killed it. Goodnight."
"Ok goodnight sweetie."
I just need to go to sleep before I truly do ruin everyone's perception of me!

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