Chapter 7

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Lenny had told me before I left that Lisa would be bringing Zoe over around 2:00. I decided to wait unit about 3:00 to ensure plenty of time for drop off without any possible tension. When I arrived at 3:00 Zoe wasn't there yet. Their flight had been delayed. I offered to leave and wait until Lisa left his house before coming  back but he brushed me off saying she would just have to deal. Around 4:30 I heard a knock at the door and Zoe yelling "daddy open up. I'm back!" I stayed in the living room while Lenny answered the door. After endless amounts of hugs and kisses between Lenny and Zoe, she comes bounding into the living room and says "Jen! You're still here? Well good. Come help me unpack I want to show you all my cool new stuff."
"I can't wait. Let's go!"
I was able to make it to her room without having to pass the front door where Lisa and Lenny still stood. Zoe however left her bedroom door wide open and I could hear the ensuing conversation.
Lisa started with "oh how cute Zoe is going to play with her friend. You still trying to say she's just here for Zoe. You are so full of shit!"
"I don't really recall saying it exactly like that but whatever. Lisa when you decided to divorce me you gave up your right to grill me about women. I got enough of that the last year we were married. You lost that privilege when you left me. If it doesn't directly pertain to Zoe then we really should keep each other out of the others private life. You don't see me grilling you about men you are dating."
"So you are dating her? And I'm not dating any kids. And it does pertain to Zoe when you are fucking her playmate!"
"Lisa first of all she's a grown woman. Quit referring to her as a kid or Zoe's friend/playmate. Jealousy doesn't look good on you."
"Fuck you Lenny. I'm not jealous. I'm appalled. She is a kid. You used to babysit her for Christ's sake. Does her mom, or better yet, your mom realize you are fucking her?!"
"Would you stop saying that! You don't even know what you're talking about. Just stay out of my personal life."
"How is this going to look to Zoe when she finds out! It is just inappropriate on so many levels."
"What's inappropriate Lisa? Why are you getting so bent out of shape about this? You've even said yourself how much you like Jen and how good she is with Zoe."
"That's when she was your mom's friends daughter who would entertain Zoe while visiting your mom. That is completely different than her being her dads fuck buddy or girlfriend or whatever the hell she is. What is she anyway you never answered."
"Lisa what do you not understand about its NONE of your business what she is or isn't. Just trust that I'm Zoe's father and I love her more than anything and won't do anything I don't feel is in her best interest."
"You say that, but you can't think clearly when it comes to women. You think with the head on your dick and not the one on your shoulders. What are you doing to this poor girl? I saw the way you looked at her like you wanted to tear her clothes off when she walked by."
"What...kinda the way I looked at you the last year of our relationship when you constantly rejected me?"
"No darling. You haven't looked at me the way I just saw you look at her since we first got married. What are you doing Lenny? Where can this relationship even go?"
"What do you mean Lisa? I still don't understand why you are so against it. Jen is a good person. And she loves Zoe. Why is this bothering you so bad?"
"Bc I have to think about anyone you are involved with as a potential stepmom to Zoe."
"Jensen is a sweet enough girl...woman. But she's just so young."
"She's not that much younger than you Lisa so just cut that shit out. What's the real problem?"
"I just know how you are Lenny. That girl is going to fall head over heels for you. And you are going back out on the road soon and we know how that goes. I just don't want lots of women in and out of Zoe's life and all the drama that seems to surround you when you are with someone. Just end it before it starts affecting my daughter. You won't be the one home having to deal with it. I will. While you're off playing rock star."

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