Chapter 51

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For the next few days Prince and I worked out everyday. I wouldn't really say I was enjoying the exercising. But I was enjoying everything else...looking at his body, the conversations about anything and everything, the flirting, the laughing. I had even lost a couple pounds. I couldn't believe that it was the part of my day I looked forward to the most. I think it was bc I knew I would have Prince's undivided attention during that hour or so. There wasn't anyone else in the room with us and never any interruptions. We would occasionally eat meals together or see each other in passing but normally other people were around or there would be a phone call or something. I found myself craving his attention. I wanted to be in his presence more than just a couple hours a day. One day near the end of our exercise routine we started talking about movies. Movies we liked, movies we loved, movies we hated...
"Oh man I've been seeing a preview for this movie called "Armageddon." It looks good. I wish I could go see it." I say while doing some squats.
"Well your wish is my command. Let's go see it. Is tonight ok?" He says while putting up his weights.
"You know I can't. Thanks for the offer though. Maybe we can find something to rent." I respond not wanting to pass up an opportunity to be with him.
"Don't worry momma. I have my ways. Be ready after dinner to go see it. I'm going to hit the shower. Would you like to join me?"
"To the movies? Yes! As long as you think I won't be seen." I say not falling into that one again.
"No this time I mean in the shower." He says moving closer to me, grabbing me and pulling me to his body. "You worked up quite the sweat momma. You need some help getting clean?" He says while moving a strand of hair that had fallen from my ponytail.
"Shut up!" I say swatting his hand away. He starts laughing and puts more distance between us. "I'm sorry I couldn't resist. Did you really think I was inviting you to the shower the other day?" He says raising his eyebrows.
"With you, you never know." I say rolling my eyes.
"I would like to point out you didn't immediately say no. So you must have been thinking about saying yes."
"No! Prince stop...I shouldn't be thinking about such things. I'm married to Lenny...."
"So you were thinking about it?"
"No that's not what I meant. Maybe if we were both single I would have said yes."
"Is that so?" He says curiously.
"Yeah but just showering...nothing else." I say starting to walk off with a smirk.
"But we would still be naked together!" He yells out after me as I exit the gym. "Late dinner at 9:00 and then the movie."
"Ok I'll be there." I shout back.
Around 8:00 I start getting ready. I felt like I was preparing for a first date. Or just a date at that. But I knew this wasn't a date. Just 2 married friends going to see a movie. But I still took extra time doing my hair and makeup and put on something way nicer than what I wear around the house. At 9:00 I make my way to the dining room. Around 9:10 Prince joins me at the table apologizing saying he was on the phone with Mayte.
"Oh. Well we don't have to do this tonight if you don't want." I suggested even though if he took me up on the offer, I would be very disappointed.
"Why not?"
"I just thought maybe you need to talk to her more or just wouldn't feel up to it now."
"No we are finished with our conversation. And I'm really looking forward to tonight. I haven't been to a movie in awhile."
"'Me either!" I say excitedly, relieved he didn't back out. "What time does the movie start?"
"Whenever I want it to." He says while piling his plate with food.
"What do you mean? Do I need to call the theatre and check the times it plays?"
"Nope. I told you I would handle it. We will get there when we get there. So don't worry and don't rush. Let's just enjoy the meal." I was really confused but trusted he knew what he was doing so I happily started eating. I really wanted to ask what he and Mayte were discussing but since he wasn't bringing it up I took that as he didn't want to talk about it. So we kept the conversation light and discussed what our favorite movie snacks were.
"I can't watch a movie without buttered popcorn and peanut m&ms" I said. "I normally sneak the candy in though bc I refuse to pay the high prices there."
"Hey the popcorn and m&m combo is my thing. How did you know? And we aint sneaking nothing in...I'll pay the price. I won't be a cheapskate."
"Your thing? Why do you think that? I've been doing it since I was a kid."
"Me too! I thought I invented it." He said with true shock in his voice.
"Umm no sorry to burst your bubble."
"Or just great minds think alike. We were meant to be. Or something like that." He responds.
"Or since you're way older than me I will give it to you since you obviously started doing it way before me." I say with a grin.
"You know I'm not much older than Lenny. Do you harp on him for being old?"
"No...but he's not 40!!!"
"Older, wiser, and better baby." He says confidently.
"I'm sorry I missed your big 40th by the way."
"Don't worry momma. It's not a big deal."
"So what did you do?" I asked.
"I honestly don't remember. It was just another day. Probably spent it in the studio."
"What?! Nobody did anything for you?"
"Who would have done something for me?"
"I don't know...Mayte...your friends...your family. I mean 40 is a big one!"
"Well let's see Mayte wasn't here...she didn't even call. And how many friends and family do you see around here day to day? Oh wait I lied Maria did bake me a cake. It was delicious!"
I was floored. I couldn't believe nobody did anything other than Maria. I felt horrible for him. I didn't understand it at all. He deserves more. "Well maybe I can fix that?"
"Oh yeah? How you gonna do that momma?"
"I don't know yet. But I will. I promise."
"Jensen it is really ok. I am pretty used to it. It's not a big deal."
"Well it's a big deal to me!" I say.
"Why doesn't this just be my birthday celebration tonight. We are already dressed up and have plans."
"Yeah but I picked the movie so how is this your birthday celebration?"
"I have been wanting to see the movie too..."
"I don't really believe that..."
"Ok I don't have a huge desire to go see it but I'll be with you. And honestly Jensen, at this point, you are just about the only person I can stand for any length of time."
"My how times have changed!" I joked.
"No kidding! So since it's my 'birthday' will you let me feel you up during the previews..."
"Relax momma!" He says while getting up from the table with his dishes. "I'll wait until the movie starts." He adds while walking into the kitchen.

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