Chapter 19

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Lenny and I scrambled to put clothes back on and I went into the bathroom attached to the bedroom to try to freshen up a little. "I was hoping to take a quick shower before dinner. We worked up quite the sweat." I say to Lenny.
"It's ok babe. You look fine. Hurry I don't want to keep them waiting." He replies while making his way to the bedroom door. As we approached the dining room, Mayte and Prince were talking softly talking and giggling standing at the entrance to the dining room. As we got closer Prince looks up at us and says "what's that smell?"
I felt all the color drain from my face and quickly say "smells like lasagna to me. I bet it's delicious." Hoping that it is what he was referencing and not the activity Lenny and I were just engaged in.
"No it's definitely not dinner. It's one of my favorite smells though." He raises his nose towards the ceiling and stiffs. "I can't really tell where it's coming from though." He starts his way towards me and starts circling me all the while still taking in deep breaths and moaning "mmmm I love that smell." If I could have melted into the floor right then I would have. I'm not sure I've ever felt so embarrassed in my life. My body begins to immediately tremble as I get ready for his snide comment about smelling sex on me. "Oh I know what it is!" He suddenly exclaims. "Defeat!"
Normally I would have come back with some sassy comment but in this moment all I felt was relief as I took a deep exhale out. I had never been so glad to get teased about losing in my life. Being a sore loser is one of my many flaws. "Haha! Very funny! You know you should be just as much of a good sport when he lose as much as you are when you win. You didn't see me gloating when I defeated you in Paris."
"No but I heard you contemplating having sex on my pool table. That is why I shouted at you to leave. Sounds like you made up for the lost opportunity though. Did my man fill you up with his seed?" He says with a smirk.
"You disgusting bastard!" I shout while shoving passed him towards the dining room.
"Prince you can be a real asshole you know that man? Those words weren't meant for anyone to hear but the 2 of us. You crossed the line this time." I could overhear Lenny saying as I sat down at the table and tried to stop any tears from falling. I hate him. I truly hate him. I just want to get through this trip, go home, and then never see him again.
"Hey bro if you are going to bang each other at someone else's house and you don't want them to hear you then you need to work on your volume. I didn't try to purposely listen." Prince shot back.
"You have a point. But overhearing it is one thing. Bringing it up was totally inappropriate. You should have just kept it to yourself. Jensen is super private. If anyone understands that it should be you." Lenny replies and walks away to find me.
"Hey baby are you ok? We don't have to stay if you don't want. I will understand if you just want to pack up tonight and see if we can catch a red eye flight home." Lenny says taking the seat next to me and caressing my cheek.
Before I could respond, Prince enters the dining room and said "please don't go guys. I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was just joking around. I swear that's all I heard. I just happened to walk by when she said that. I would really like you to stay the 2 nights like we originally planned."
I guess Mayte was wrong. He can apologize. Or maybe this was one of the first times he ever has. That spoke volumes to me. "It's ok. I was just a little mortified knowing someone heard us. I didn't mean to disrespect you or your house." I reply looking up at Prince.
"You don't have to apologize for screwing your husband in my house momma. But I'm not lying when I say I really didn't hear anything besides that. And Lenny was right. I have always kept my life very private and it was really fucked up for me to not extend that same respect to you. It doesn't have to be awkward. Let's just enjoy the rest of your trip."
"Sounds great to me." Lenny says while kissing my forehead and looking at me to make sure I was ok with staying. I gave him a nod and we all took our seats at the table.
The rest of our trip went off without a hitch. I spent the majority of it with Mayte while Lenny spent it with Prince. We spent the evening before we left as a foursome and had a great time just talking about life and love and everything in between. When we left for our flight I actually was a little bummed to leave. Prince was by no means my favorite person but I didn't despise him as much as I had originally and I could honestly say Mayte had the potential of becoming a close friend. When we touched down in LA and made our way to Roxie's house to pick Zoe up for the next few weeks, I quickly forgot about Prince and Mayte. I was so excited to see our families. I had missed them terribly. When we walked through the front door Zoe came rushing towards us like a linebacker ready to tackle the quarterback. "Daddy! Jen!" She yelled and Lenny scooped her up and squeezed her tight. I had tears in my eyes just looking at the two of them. I felt my heart flip flop thinking about starting our own family soon and giving sweet Zoe some siblings. "Oh my gosh babygirl! You've gotten so big!" Lenny said while pulling her head back from the crook of his neck to get a good look at her. As soon as they were facing each other, Zoe exclaims "daddy! Your hair fell off!!!"

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