Chapter 56

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When Prince and Mayte came in together about an hour later, I was reading a book. They come into the room and Mayte runs up to me like she used to and hugs me. "Hey girl! I was so excited when Prince told me you were still here. I mean the circumstances suck with Lenny in rehab and all but he will be out soon right?"
"Yeah in a few weeks." I say looking at Prince who seems like he wants to be anywhere but in the room with us. "So I didn't think you would be here for another week or so. Why did you decide to come back early?"
"Isn't that the million dollar question? Prince keeps asking me that too. Geez guys I almost feel like y'all don't want me here."
"It's not that Mayte. Just want to know what made you come back earlier than planned that's all." Prince said dryly.
"I don't know. I just missed y'all. I wanted to see you guys. So have y'all been getting along without me and Lenny as the buffers? There hasn't been any all out fist fights has there?" She laughed at her own joke.
"No. We actually get along now. Crazy huh?" I say.
"It's not that crazy. We are more alike than anyone realizes." Prince chimed in.
"Y'all are being weird. Ok well I am super jet lagged. I'm going to bed. I'll see in the morning Jensen. Maybe we can go shopping or something."
"No Mayte she can't be out and about for the sake of Lenny's privacy. We don't want anyone to know he's here." Prince said sternly.
"Oh well ok. We can just hang out here that's fine. We know you'll be in the studio all day anyway. Well goodnight." Mayte says beginning to make her way out of the room.
"Goodnight." I respond. As she walks passed Prince, I could hear her say "baby are you ready to join me in bed?" I pretended to not hear as I looked down at the book I was reading, but was on pins and needles wondering how Prince would respond. I heard him whisper "no I am not tired. And Mayte you aren't sleeping in my bedroom. You can sleep in one of the guest bedrooms."
"It is our bedroom. I want to sleep in my own bed." She shoots back. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Prince get up and lead her right outside the room, but I could still hear them.
"Mayte you haven't slept in that bed in months. Why do you want to now all of a sudden? I think you've been just fine without it all this time, so you will be just fine in a guest bed."
"It's not about the bed. I want to sleep next to you." She says pleadingly.
"That's not happening Mayte. Have I not made myself clear? I want a divorce. We will talk more about this tomorrow. Don't go to my bedroom tonight. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight."
I couldn't help but smile. I felt bad for her, but she needs to understand what he wants and doesn't want. Trying to convince him to stay with her just makes her look pathetic and desperate. She needs to just move on.
Prince comes back in the room and I give him a faint smile. "I might need a double work out tomorrow. My stress level is through the roof right now." He says sitting down on the couch beside me and leaning his head back and closing his eyes. I watch him for a minute and take him all in. I wanted to take away his stress. I really wanted to do that by sexually pleasuring him, but I knew that would come soon enough. We needed to take care of our respective spouses first and do this the right way. The best I could offer right now was a soothing massage. "Here lean up." I say. He pops open one eye and says "why? I don't feel like working out right now if that's what you're thinking."
"Do you really think I would be asking you to work out again? I thought you knew me better!" I say.
He laughs and leans up. "Ok what is in then?"
"Turn around and scoot back towards me."
"Come on. Don't you trust me? What do you think I'm going to do...snap your neck or something?"
"With never know." He responds with a smirk.
"Just shut up and turn around. I promise you'll like it."
"We can't have sex in that position you know."
"It's not sex! Now turn around." He turns around and slides his body back towards me. "Is that close enough?" He asked.
"Yes. Perfect." I say and put my hands on top of his shoulders and start rubbing them.
"Mmmm momma. That feels nice." He says while putting his head down. I take that as a hint to massage his neck so I slide my hands over to the back of his neck and work my fingers into it. "God Jensen. This is just what I needed. It's like you can read my mind."
"Just don't talk, relax, and enjoy." I say. For the next 20 minutes I work his shoulders, neck, and back. Listening to him sigh, moan, and groan does nothing to help me avoid pouncing on him. I desperately wanted to hear what he was going to say to me before Mayte called, so as I moved my hands up and begin massaging his scalp, I ask "so what were you going to tell me when the phone rang?"
I think he might have dozed off bc he seemed startled and responded "I will tell you soon. I promise, but I've really got to get through all this shit with Mayte tomorrow first. Ok momma?" He says turning his head up to look at me. "Ok" I say smiling down at him. I knew I had to leave the room now or I was about to cross the line. "Well I think I'm heading to bed. Please tell me won't spend all night in the studio. Go to bed. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow and you need rest so you can think clearly.
"You're probably right. I'll walk with you." He says standing up and helping me off the couch. He didn't let go of my hand as he walked me to my bedroom door. I hadn't felt this happy in a long time. I knew in just a matter of time we were going to be together and the thought of it made my heart flutter. As we got to my door, he let go of my hand and brought me in for hug. It was the same experience as earlier tonight. We held on for a long time and I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Jensen I don't mean to sound rude but can you try to make yourself scarce tomorrow?"
"Oh ok sure. I'll just stay in my bedroom."
"You don't have to do that momma. Just try to avoid my office. I'm afraid it might get ugly between Mayte and me. I just don't want you around it or her to try to drag you into it if you happen to walk in."
"I understand. It really isn't any of my business. I'll only come out of my room to eat. I've got my book. I'll be fine."
"Thanks. I can't wait for tomorrow to be over...for so many different reasons. You might want to say a small prayer for me tonight."
"I will. I just hope y'all can come to some kind of agreement and compromise you are both satisfied with."
"Me too momma. But don't worry your pretty little head about it. Sweet dreams." He said as he lightly kissed me on the cheek. I watched him walk to his bedroom and then flung open my door and took a running dive to my bed. I can't wait for tomorrow to get here. I feel like it's going to be the first page of my new life...and I'm ready. I'm so ready!

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