Chapter 5

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Over the course of the next 2 weeks I was at Lenny's apartment anytime I wasn't at work. I've always been honest with my parents and this was no different. My dad is still good friends with Sy and has always thought the world of Lenny so unlike how many dads might have responded, he seemed to be fine with it. He might have also been naive and thought we were just old friends reconnecting. And maybe we were I didn't really know how to define it...but I'm sure it never crossed my dad's mind that Lenny would be touching his precious daughter. My mom, on the other hand, was a little more hesitant and sensed it was something more, at least to me. She wasn't outright angry but she was concerned. I think she thought I was going to fall for him and that he was just having a good time. She didn't want to see me get hurt and unfortunately she was one of those people who saw more of Sy than Roxie in Lenny.

I tried to push those thoughts out of my mind while I was around Lenny. I did desperately want to know what, if anything, he had said to his parents about me. I wanted to know where we stood in his mind. But I couldn't bring myself to ask any of those questions for fear of the answer. I know I said I don't like to beat around the bush, but now that I've had a taste of what it's like to be with him, the thought of losing him was too much to bare. I loved every second with him. Whether it be watching a movie, cooking dinner, talking about any and every random thing, or just lying in his arms in complete silence. Of course anything of sexual nature was just icing on the cake. About a week into our arrangement we brought each other to ecstasy with our hands. As much as what he did to me felt mind blowing, I don't think I've ever gotten as wet as I did when I watched his face while I pleasured him with my hand. Like I said I've only ever done stuff with my one serious boyfriend in high school. And that was early high school so it has been a few years. Plus he wasn't near as well endowed or experienced as Lenny so I was super nervous when I first started touching him. My palms were so sweaty I just knew he would notice so to tried to cover it up. I grabbed the lube I happened to see in his bathroom one day and drizzled it all over his dick before I started. As soon as it hit his member he laid back and took a deep breath in through his nose. I slowly started moving the lube around so it engulfed every inch of his throbbing dick. I slowly started moving my hand up and down his shaft and he began to moan. After a few minutes he looked me in the eyes and softly caressed my face and whispered "baby you aren't going to break me. You can go faster and harder."
That's all the motivation I needed and I begin to aggressively pumped him. After a couple minutes of him moaning and rocking his head back and forth on the pillow, he grabbed my hand and guided it. He started making a twisting motion as he glided our joined hands up and down. "Do it like this now sugar and I'll be puddy in your hands fast." All I wanted to do was please him and do it the way he desired. So as he let go of my hand, I continued with the same speed and hardness he showed me and made sure to keep twisting. "Oh Jen! That's perfect! Keep going! Just like that honey."
I leaned down and breathed in his ear "you are  sexier than I ever imagined!"
"Oh god! Fuck! I'm cumming!!!!" he yelled as his legs got tight and he gritted his teeth. Moments later his creamy essence oozed out of him and all over my hand. It had to be one of the most beautiful sights I'd ever seen.

I was comfortable with our unspoken arrangement of manually pleasuring each other bc truth be told the next step terrified me. My ex had done it to me once, and only once. We broke up not long after that and I never had a chance to return the favor. And sex was not even in my realm of thinking yet. I for sure wasn't going to go there until I knew what this relationship was or wasn't to him. The night before Zoe and Lisa were to return from their trip, Lenny and I were in his bedroom mindlessly watching some tv show. Out of nowhere he asked, " so baby when you go to school this fall, you don't have any ideas of what you might want to major in?"
"The infamous question! You sound like my parents."
"Here comes creepy Jensen again. I was just curious what some things you've thought about are. I mean there has to be a list of your interests."
"Well I'm interested in you...and him" I said while brushing against the crotch of his pants. "Is there a major in that?"
He laughed and shook his head and replied "I know there is no major involving me. There could be some involving dick, but I don't think prostitution involves a degree."
"I'm not interested in any dick...only yours baby."
"Oh is that right? We will come back to that. Now come on be serious what could be a possible field you might explore?"
"I don't know maybe education."
"You would be a great teacher. The way you are with Zoe reminds me of some of my favorite teachers in school. Caring, thoughtful, intelligent."
"Thanks babe. It's probably at the top of my least at the moment. And don't get me wrong I know it's a tough job, but knowing I would have more time off than most jobs makes it more appealing to me bc I want to be a mom one day and I think it would allow me more time with my kids than a lot of other jobs would."
"You will be a great mother. How many kids do you want to have?"
"Well being an only child I've always wanted siblings so I know more than one for sure!"
"Yeah me too. I don't want Zoe to be an only child like I was."
"I guess you will have to make her some little brothers and sisters one day."
"Yeah I guess I will. Are you willing to help with that?"
"Oh what now you want me to be a nurse and help your baby momma deliver your babies?"
"Shut up! You know that's not what I meant. You are such a dork!"
"Then what did you mean?"
"Don't play dumb. You know exactly what I meant."
"No I don't... tell me. Whisper it in my ear."
He leans in, sucks on my earlobe and whispers "I meant could you help me make more babies?"
"What like in a test tube? I'm definitely going to need a degree for that."
"I've never met anyone quite like you babe. You can turn a sexy situation into something stupid and cheesy. That's quite a gift."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Whisper it again. I'll be serious this time. I promise."
He leaned in again and this time licked my ear and lowly growls "did you ever used to fantasize about making babies with me?"
I had gotten so comfortable with him that I didn't even hesitate before looking in his eyes and responding "all the time."
"Show me. I want to see what you did."
"You want to see how I had your babies. Do we need some stirrups. Are you wanting me to like do the breathing and pushing and everything?"
"Would you please shut up. You know what I meant. I want to see how you got yourself off to me."
"Well pretty much the same way you get me off with your hands. But you do it much better. But sometimes I would do something extra."
His eyes lit up! "What?!"
"Hand me your pillow."

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