Chapter 18

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A couple hours into our conversation ranging from our favorite movies to how many kids we wanted to have one day, Mayte and I were joined by our men. Lenny came over and hugged me and whispered "everything going ok?" I smiled up at him and nodded my assurance that all was well. "So Jensen what kind of ping pong skills do you have?" Prince says squeezing beside Mayte in an oversized chair. "A little bit, not much, why?" I asked leaning my head back on Lenny while he wraps his arms around me.
"A little bit like pool or actually just a little? I want to know what I will really be up against this time. No funny business." Prince demands. "Nah man I give you my word. She hasn't played much ping pong. What to play couple verses couple?" Lenny suggested.
"Maybe later. First game I want me verses little momma. What do you say Jensen? You up for it?" Prince asked.
"Sure. Why not? Just go easy on me." I reply.
"Of course. I just want to possibly even the score. If you beat me at ping pong I might have to take you on the road with me to sharpen up both my games. Plus you could be some sort of sideshow freak. Nobody can beat me at both games. That's a guarantee." Prince says while rising to his feet. "You ready?"
"Let the games begin." I say sticking out my hand for a friendly handshake. Prince grabs my hand in a very firm exchange peering down at me with a competitive fire in his eyes. I figured I'm about an inch or two shorter than him but in his heels he had a good half a foot on me. After about 30 seconds of us staring each other down intently the way boxers do before a fight, Lenny and Mayte both play the role of the trainers and come behind each of us to pull us back a little. "Alright now let's not kill each other." Lenny interjects pulling me back by my shoulders wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing the top of my head. We all four made our way to the ping pong table and Prince and I go to opposite sides and each pick up a paddle. "We play to 11 and its best out of three right?" I turn asking Lenny.
Before he can respond, Prince chimes in "don't start that shit Mrs. 'I only hit the white ball right?' Just serve."
I couldn't help but bust out into a fit of giggles. "I honestly don't know this time. No bullshit. Baby you might have to help me with the rules I can't remember. It has seriously been forever since I played." I say turning to Lenny again.
"I'll help you with the rules. Just serve. It has to hit your side of the table before bouncing over the net." Prince says growing impatient for his upcoming thrashing of me.
Before I know it I hear "match point," and Prince serves sending it bouncing to my side and it is like a blur. "Game." He yells. "Switch sides."
"Seeing as you just shut me out. I don't think there is any need to play the best out of three. You are obviously the superior player by far." I say laying the paddle down.
"You're damn right I am. But the rules are best out of three rounds so get over there and take your beating like a good little girl. I'll go easier and slower this time." Prince says licking his lips and looking me up and down with more of a lustful than competitive look this time. My heart skipped a beat and I cleared my throat while making my way to the opposite side. It only took about 15 more minutes to complete the next two rounds as they didn't go any smoother for me than the first one.
"Geez I have no skill for this game. Baby we need to put one of these tables into our new house so I can get in some practice. That was utterly embarrassing." I say making my way over to Lenny and sitting on his lap.
"That's not going to help you much momma. You have to play with someone skilled to get better." Prince said while placing the paddles and ball back where they belonged.
"Well I would play against Lenny." I respond pulling his hands off the chair and wrapping them around my waist. "He could teach me."
"He couldn't teach you well enough to defeat me. If you want to be the best you have to learn from the best. So if you want to get really good, you'll have to come play with me." he said burning holes into my eyes while slightly licking the top of Maytes shoulder. She shutters and her head falls back on his chest. They start a light make out session and my thoughts were bouncing between appalled with how inappropriate that was and turned on by watching their tongues dance with each other and hearing soft moans emit from both of them.
"Well I think we will get settled into our room. We will see you guys for dinner?" Lenny asked trying to stop them before it went any further. Prince pulled back from Maytes lips and responded "yeah dinner will be at 7:00. Just come down to the dining room. I hope you two like lasagna."
"I love lasagna!" I say breathlessly and way more enthusiastic than I intended. I guess I had been holding my breath the entire time I was watching them. I think Prince heard the slight sexual nature of my response because he responded "I bet you do." and immediately engulfed Maytes lips again. This time much more aggressively. I stood up and dragged Lenny to the bedroom we would be staying in the next couple nights. As soon as the door clicked shut I locked it and slammed my hands on his chest and pushed him back forcefully towards the bed. "Take me now baby. Fuck me until I can't walk right." I say while climbing on top of him and straddling his hips.
"What has gotten into you? Getting your ass kicked turns you on this much? If I knew that I wouldn't have let you win at things so many times."
"I just want to give those two out there a run for their money. If they are going to start making out while we are right there in the room, then they are going to have to deal with possibly hearing us."
"Baby that is insanely rude and inappropriate."
"And what they were doing wasn't?"
"Well yeah a little but it is his house and they were just kissing not fucking."
"Are you seriously trying to talk us out of sex right now?"
"No no no! Just promise me you will be quiet. This will be good practice for us before going home to Zoe."
"Stopping talking and strip." I say climbing off of him and back to my feet. We both undress ourselves, sending various articles of clothing flying through the air and landing all over the bedroom. When we were both completely nude, Lenny grabs my hand and ushers me over to the edge of the bed and places my palms on it. I could feel him standing behind me and hear him spit into his hand. He rubs it on the tip of his erected cock and then wets them again and rubs his saliva along my slit. I moan and spread my legs a little wider. Before I could get my feet firmly planted on the floor, Lenny rams into me with full force causing my body to jolt forward slightly. I reposition my hands so I can get a better grip on the bedding. After a couple minutes of a steady rhythm, Lenny stops thrusting and I take that as my cue to take over the work. I push my hips back on his dick and slowly move them forward taking his member almost completely out before slamming back again. I repeatedly do this over and over picking up the pace and our groans become louder. "Shhh" Lenny finally says and grabs my hips to make me stop. He grabs my legs and put my knees up on top of bed and pushes my shoulders down. Once he gets me in the position he desires, he takes back over the grinding. He is being relentless and my g spot is being abused like never before. I really tried to stay quiet but the sensations begin to overwhelm me and I find my moans begin to turn into soft screams. "Lenny! Right there! Don't stop baby I'm getting so close." After I say that he lifts one of his feet up and places it on the bed beside my putting him at an angle that immediately sent me over the edge and I laid flat out on the bed screaming "I'm cumming!!!!" He pulls out and lets my juices soak the comforter. He takes no time entering me again to finish off. He leans down so the front of his body is stuck to my back and buries his head by my ear. "Do you want to make your man cum baby?"
"Mmmhmm. Tell me what to do. I'm yours."
"Look at me. I want to see your eyes while I cum inside you." I lift my head up and turn it slightly so that our eyes meet.
"There's my beautiful girl. You are so tight and wet sugar I'm almost there. Are you ready for me?"
"Yes baby! Fill your girl up with your seed. I love you so much!"
"I love you too Jen. So fucking much! Oh baby!!!!" I feel his warm cum flow through me. After a few slow steady strokes, he pulls out and plops down beside me. He turns to face me while I stay on my belly basking in the glory of his love. He lightly starts stroking my back and says "so what do you think about getting off birth control when we get back home? I'm ready to start our family. Is that ok with you?"
"Yes baby. That's more than ok. Being the mother of your children has been one of my biggest dreams since I was a little girl. You have no idea how insanely jealous I was when I heard Lisa was pregnant. I've never wanted to be someone else so bad in my entire life. Just knowing she had a part of you growing inside her. I actually cried many nights over it."
"Awe baby." He responds while bringing me into a spooning position and caressing my stomach. "Well all my future babies are going right here and no where else."
I turn to face him and kiss his lips passionately. Our moment was cut short by a light knock on the bedroom door. "Hey guys I just wanted you to know dinner will be earlier than expected. Could y'all be down in a few minutes?" Mayte asks through the door.
"Yeah we will be right there." Lenny answers as we untangle from each other and search for our clothing.

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