Chapter 44

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Even though I was extremely nervous about the business dinner, I was also excited to help Prince accomplish his mission. It had been a long time since I felt needed. I felt like I had a purpose. Like I could contribute to something so worthy. I ended up finding a nice dress of Maytes that fit perfectly. It was probably one of her maternity ones since I have always had a few pounds on her! I also choose it bc I knew it would go nicely with the necklace Prince bought me. It had been over 2 years and I had never worn it anywhere. Maybe it would bring me so good luck tonight.
The guests were to arrive at 6:00, so around 5:45 I made my way towards the dining room to see if I needed to help get anything ready. As I walked out of the bedroom, I met Prince in the hallway. He looked devastatingly handsome. It took my breath away for a moment. "You look wonderful! I see you did find something you packed."
"No, this is Maytes. Or someone's. It was in your closet. It's yours isn't it?"
"Would you stop. I'm not a cross dresser! Well whoever it belonged to I'm sure didn't make it look as good as you do." He said giving me a spin to take in the whole dress.
"Thank you." I said looking down shyly.
"Don't look down momma. Where is the confident woman I first met? The fiery one who .."
"Kicked your ass at pool?!"
"No! I let you win. I was going to say the one who smarted off to me the first minute she met me."
"No I didn't! And you know I won fair and square. Do you want a rematch to prove it?"
"Maybe one day. I'll let you brush up a little first. Have you gotten any better at ping pong? I mean enough to make it half way challenging for me."
"Nah. I never used it to actually play ping pong on. Well sometimes I do with Zoe."
"So what do you use it for?"
"Well it was used as a bed once or twice."
"What?! You fucked on my table."
"It's not yours. You gave it to us!"
"Yeah to play improve your ping pong skills not your boning skills!"
"Geez I didn't think you would get so mad. I thought you would be proud. I know you have always thought I was a prude."
"You don't have to try to impress me with your bedroom talents Jensen. I've always thought of you highly in other areas that are way more important than how well you might fuck. I like that necklace by the way. It looks just as good on you as I remember."
"This is actually the first time I've ever worn it."
"Oh you loved it that much huh?!"
"It's not that. It is special. I wanted to save it for something noteworthy. Guess that shows how lame my life is that this is the first thing I feel worthy of wearing it to."
"Well I feel honored. By all of it. Now shall we?" He stuck out his arm to grab onto as he led me to the dining room.
The guests arrived at 6:00 sharp and everyone made their introductions. There were the superintendent, principals from each school, a couple members of the school board, and five music/band/choir teachers. The first half of the dinner was just casual talk about the local community of Chanhassen and of course Prince's music career. Finally around the time dessert came, Prince said "ok let's get down to why we are all really here. I love Chanhassen. I love Minnesota. I want to help better it in any way I can. I hope you will accept my donation to the music department and use all funds for any and everything music. Buy instruments, take the kids on trips to see concerts or musicals or Broadway even, pay for voice and instrument lessons for them to take after school, whatever you like. But it has to center around music and nothing else."
"Mr. Nelson we are so grateful for your generosity and for taking interest in our school. However, music and the arts are just not the main priority. We have sports arenas that are barely standing and teachers who need supplies to teach the students. You are making such a large donation that we think it would be better suited spreading it out among several areas. Is there anyway we can convince you to let us use some of the funds for our athletics department and buy computers for our teachers?"
"No. That is not the purpose of my donation."
"Sir. Not many kids have musical talents. They aren't all you or Michael Jackson."
"I bet you have a few Michael Jacksons..." Prince begins before I interrupt. "I think the point Mr. Nelson is trying to make is no not every kid is musically gifted, just as they all aren't athletically or academically gifted but for the ones who are think about what all you could offer them? And for the ones who aren't, think about how much they will get out of being part of a band or choir. Somewhere to belong and make friends."
"Ma'am we understand that but school is more than just social hour. We are trying to educate these kids to go to college."
"Well first of all not all kids are cut out for college. Those kids are the ones who will drop out of your school before graduation if you don't offer something that they are interested in...I don't see many kids dropping out if they have any instrument at their disposal to jam out on. Secondly, the students who are involved in your music classes will thrive academically. It will improve their math and reading skills and they won't even know it!"
"You may be right Miss but there is just more of a need, or just as much of a need, in other areas." At this point Prince jumps back in and says, "how about this? I will make my donation to your school on the mutual agreement that if you use it only for musical purposes and you see the improvement it makes in your school and you admit it to me in a couple years, we can have another conversation about donating to other areas of your school system."
"Sir that would be outstanding. We will have the lawyer draw up a contract..."
"No contracts. But you have my word. I am a man of my word if nothing else."
Around 8:00 they all got ready to leave. I graciously said my goodbyes and started to help Maria clear the dishes from the table. As they were leaving I could hear the superintendent again thanking Prince for his generosity. Then he said "and that wife of yours. She is a spitfire. Her brains match her beauty. You must feel blessed. Don't let her go. We may can use her in some capacity. You said she wants to be a teacher?"
"Yes. She is getting her degree in education. She will be a great teacher. Don't you think?"
"I have no doubt sir." With that he said his goodbyes and I heard Prince close the door behind him. I was in a state of bliss mixed with confusion. I was thrilled that we had accomplished our mission for the night and that a superintendent saw qualities of a great teacher in me. It made me feel confident in my decision to pursue education. But I didn't understand why Prince had not corrected him when he referred to me as his wife.
As I was leaned over washing a couple dishes in the sink, I felt Prince's hands on my shoulders and he whipped me around and picked me up and gave me a bear hug! I was getting soapy water all over his back but he didn't seem to care. "We did it! I can't thank you enough Jensen. I haven't felt this accomplished and proud in a long time."
He lowers me down and looks in my eyes. "You're welcome. Me too. I can't remember the last time I have smiled this hard."
"We should celebrate."
"What do you have in mind?" I said with my chest heaving up and down while staring into his hazel eyes.

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