Chapter 38

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On my way back to the bedroom, my emotions started to overwhelm me. I wanted a release. I wanted to forget everything for awhile. As I entered the bedroom I saw Lenny still soundly sleeping. I made my way over to his side of the bed and lightly shook him. "Lenny!" He groaned and rolled over towards me. "Lenny wake up."
"What is it Jensen? What time is it?"
"I don't know like 2am."
"Damn Jensen. What do you want? I'm too sleepy for sex, maybe in the morning baby."
"I don't want sex. Did you bring any weed with you?"
"No baby. I'm trying to stop. I promise."
"Shit, I could really use a joint right now."
"Oh! You want some. Ok yeah I brought a little. It's in the zipper part of my suitcase. Bring it here and I'll roll us both one." I decided to ignore the fact he just bold faced lied to me and got what he requested from his bag. He rolled us each a fat joint and told me to go retrieve the lighter from his pants pocket. I did and then we both sat up on the bed and started taking hits from our joints. After half an hour we are both incredibly high and giggling. "I can see why you love doing this so much. It takes all your cares and stress away."
"Exactly baby. Who doesn't want to feel carefree and let the worries go for awhile?"
"It must be better than sex seeing as you were too sleepy for that but popped right up once I mentioned pot."
"Nah but I feeling pretty horny now. And watching you smoke is insanely sexy. Come over here baby I have something for you." I crawled over towards him and wrapped my legs around his waist so that I was sitting face to face with him. "Oh I feel what you have. Want me to take care of it?"
"What do you have in mind?"
"I can take it in my mouth and..." before I could finish my thought the bedroom door violently swings open, banging up against the wall behind it. I jumped off of Lenny's lap, the noise instantly frightening me. "What the fuck is going on in here?" Prince yells with Mayte standing behind him looking stunned.
Shit I had forgotten to lock it back when I came back in from looking for them.
"Well man I was about to bang my wife if you don't mind closing the door back."
"No I won't close the door back." He replies angrily.
"I guess he wants to watch baby. Crawl back over here and let's give him a show." I start laughing uncontrollably and move back over towards Lenny and sit back on his lap.
"I don't want to watch you have sex! I want you to stop smoking weed in my house! It reeks in here. I don't want that shit in my house and I sure don't want it around my pregnant wife!"
"We weren't smoking it around your precious baby. You came in here remember?!" I blurted out.
"We?" He responds. "You were getting high too Jensen?"
"Yeah. So. What's it to you?"
"Nothing. I just thought you were better than that."
"You don't have any idea. You barely even know me! And what are you saying it's not too good for Lenny?! Wow babe your best friend doesn't seem to think much of you." I say turning towards Lenny and kissing his cheek. "But I don't think that. You are better than it. You are better than him. We are better than them."
At this point Mayte broke her silence and said "Prince let's just leave them alone. Jensen is so high she's talking out of her head."
Her saying that hit some unknown trigger and as they turned to leave the room, I jumped off Lenny's lap and stood to the floor shouting, "I'm not talking out of my head! I'm finally speaking what I feel! You two have thought you were better than me...better than us....since the first day I met you. Remember?! When you thought I was Lenny's worker. Well I have a news flash for you! You're not! Fuck you two!"
"Jensen stop baby let's just go back to sleep. Nobody thinks they are better than anyone else here." Lenny says also rising to his feet and coming over towards me.
"No wait Lenny. Maybe we do think it. I mean we are acting like two responsible classy adults while you two are acting like two bratty irresponsible teenagers. You even have a kid man. Come on. Grow up!" Prince says.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Lenny's anger now matching mine. "You have no idea what it's like to have a kid!"
"I will soon. I'm being better parent to my unborn child than you are being to your daughter."
"Oh my god!" I interject with a fake laugh. "Even when this baby comes it's not like you or Mayte will really know what it's like to be parents! As soon as it interferes with your schedule or your precious studio time or something you will be passing it off to one of your servants. Neither of you will ever make the sacrifices it takes to be a real parent."
"How the fuck would you know?!" Prince says with fire in his eyes. "I thought you were barren."
I instantly went from about a 6 to a 10 on the pissed off scale. There was no filter now!
"Fuck you! I'm not barren!" I was in a fit of rage. "You and Mayte think you're so high and mighty because you got pregnant so fast?! I wonder how many women he's gotten pregnant over the years besides you Mayte? He will stick his dick in anything that walks. Probably still is behind your back!"
"No I'm not Mayte!" Prince says while caressing her, who is now in tears. "Just because her husband is a pothead who never wants to fuck her and she wants in my pants, doesn't mean I want in hers....or anyone else's!"
At that point Lenny jumps back in and for the next 10 minutes the three of us hurl the most hurtful insults we can think of at each other. Lenny and I against Prince. At some point Mayte left the room. Finally Prince yells "get the fuck out of my house! Both of you! Out!"
"Gladly! Let's go Lenny! I never wanted to be friends with this asshole anyway. Now do you see why?! Come on baby let's go home!"
And with that Lenny and I left Paisley, not to return for a long, long time.

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