Chapter 11

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*I know some of you may be thinking...hello this is a Prince fanfic....where's Prince? I promise he will appear soon! I just wanted to give a good thorough foundation for Lenny and Jensen before I entered in Prince and Mayte.

Thanksgiving night 1993
Apparently Ms Roxie had known about me and Lenny back in April and he had confided in her during his tour that he was in love with me and wanted to marry me. That's the reason she seemed to always bring him up when I was around...she wanted to keep him in the forefront of my thoughts. Not that I needed any help in that department. With the help of his mom he had even reached out to my parents a few weeks ago to ask for their blessing and to assure my mother my best interest was at heart. So needless to say there were some ecstatic faces when I walked out of the bedroom with my engagement ring on. There were hugs all around. Mom and Ms Roxie were squeezing each other tight and saying "we are going to share grandbabies!" I looked up at Lenny and shook my head. He winked and leaned towards my ear and whispered "we can start practicing for that tonight baby." I think my heart literally stopped. I was having that excited dread thing again. Thinking about making love to Lenny was something that got me excited and nervous at the same time. I've barely done anything more than kissing. Am I really ready to go all the way tonight? It was something that we never discussed. I guess there is actually a lot of things we have never discussed. I wish we hadn't lost all those months. I decided to not let any of these things bog my mind down. This was the happiest moment of my life and I didn't need any of my insecurities to ruin it. There would be plenty of time to think about those things later. By the time we made it around to everyone to say congratulations and give us their marriage advice, it was time for round 2 of Thanksgiving food. This time I sat down at the table of 3 with Lenny and Zoe and couldn't be happier. Lenny and I couldn't keep our hands off each other under the table and as soon as we finished he leaned toward me and whispered "are you ready to get out of here sugar? I'm ready to be alone with my fiancée."
"I'm ready when you are. Let's get Zoe and go."
"It's just us darling. Zoe is staying the night here."
"Oh Jesus please tell me you didn't asked your mother to keep her so you could score on your engagement night."
"I don't have to ask my mommys permission to 'score.' She stays here every thanksgiving night. It is kind of a tradition now. You, on the other hand, do have ask your mommys permission. Good luck!"
Shit! This is one of those times it really sucks to still live with your parents. Should I straight up ask if I can spend the night? Should I just stay the night and go home tomorrow like it's not a big deal? I look over at Lenny with "I don't know what to do" eyes and he just taps his watch and smiles. He's no help! I decided to just go with casually telling mom that Lenny and I are heading to his place and just leave it at that.
"Momma. Lenny and I are about to head back to his place. Do you need help with anything before we leave?"
"No sweetie we have it covered. Go enjoy being engaged." she replies with a wink.
Did my mom just give me the nudge to go bang my fiancée? Everyone else seems to be ok with it and I'm not even sure if I am ok with it. I find myself stalling.
"Are you sure you don't need help cleaning up? I don't mind doing a load of dishes before I leave."
"Jensen Nicole get your butt out of here and go be with your man. What are you stalling for?"
"I'm not stalling I just hate to leave y'all with everything to do."
"Oh my god you're scared to have sex with him aren't you?"
"What? Mom! No! Would you lower your voice. People can hear you!"
"Honey it's only natural to feel nervous...."
"Mom please stop..."
"Lenny loves you. He's not going to do anything to hurt you. Might want to drink a little wine when you get back to his house. It will loosen you up a little bit..."
"Ok thanks for that advice I'm leaving now..."
"Oh and Jensen you might bleed a little the first time. So maybe put a towel under you so you don't stain the sheets. The towel will come in handy too for the clean up. It can get a little messy. You know a lot of his sperm will just fall right back out of you."
"Oh my god mom! First of all let's never mention anything you have said in the last 5 minutes ever again in our life. Plus you sound like you want me to get pregnant. What has gotten into you?!"
"I'm just so happy for you baby. I know you two are going to be so happy together. And I don't mind you starting to make grandbabies right away."
"And on that note I'm out."

"Let's get out of here!" I say as I rush up to Lenny who has gotten trapped by uncle Charles. "My mom has done lost her mind!"
As we are walking towards the door, Lenny lets out a big exhale. "What's wrong babe? I know you can't be nervous."
"No, I've been holding my breath the entire time he was talking to me."

The whole car ride home I was a mix bag of emotions. I should be delighted that my mom just gave me permission to have sex and make babies with Lenny but I can't seem to shake some of the stuff she said out of my mind. As we entered his apartment he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my back to his front. He leans in and starts leaving soft kisses along my neck. "You ok babe you were really quiet in the car? You aren't having second thoughts are you? I promise I will do everything in my power to make you happy Jensen."
"No honey I'm not having second thoughts about marrying you. And I'm already the happiest woman alive! Let's celebrate! Do you have any wine?"
"Wine? Jensen what's up? You don't drink. Plus I haven't really been home in 6 months. I don't have much of anything here. What do you want wine for?"
"I don't know just thought it might loosen us up. It's been quite an eventful day for us!"
"Sugar are you nervous about making love?"
"I don't know. Maybe a little."
"We don't have to do any more tonight than what you're comfortable with."
"Ok." That helped to ease my nerves a little and take a lot of the pressure and expectation off.
"I know something that can loosen us up better than wine anyway."
"Oh yeah what's that?"
"A nice warm bath. What do you say?"
"That sounds divine."
"Well then let's go!" He says as he swoops me up and carries me towards the bathroom.

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