Chapter 34

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The following day was filled with last-minute details for the wedding. Prince had asked me earlier in the week to go with him that afternoon to buy something special as a wedding gift to Mayte. Apparently Lenny enjoyed himself immensely at the jam session/bachelor party because he was still passed out at 3:00 when we left to go.
Prince had made a special appointment at a jewelry store in Minneapolis. They shut the whole store down for two hours to let him shop in peace. I felt a little uneasy on our car ride alone together to the jewelry store. Even though he obviously didn't know about me getting off to him the previous night, it gave me a nervous energy to be around him. When we walked into the jewelry store, the manager greeted us warmly. He, of course, knew he was about to have a big pay day with Prince's purchase so he went out of his way to try to impress him.
"Sir please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I hope you and your beautiful lady find something to your satisfaction."
"Thank you. She's not my lady though. She's my lady's matron of honor. She is here to help me." For some reason my heart seemed to sink a little at his quick clarification. I found myself feeling utterly ridiculous at having that feeling. It was the truth. I quickly tried dismissing the thought. "So," I said turning to Prince, "what did you have in mind?"
"I'm not sure. That's why I brought you."
"Well did you want to get like a necklace, bracelet, ring? You have to give me a little something to go on."
"Well what is the norm? What did Lenny get you?"
I let out loud chuckle, "nada!"
"Really? I thought this was a tradition?"
"It is I guess. I don't know. I don't think it is as popular as the 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?'"
"Oh has Mayte done that? Did you do that?"
"Don't worry we have it almost taken care of...her something old is you!" I slapped the top of the glass display and chuckled. He jabbed his elbow into my arm that was propped up against the glass and made it fall out from under me. "Ow! That hurt you jerk!" I say laughing. "Oh hey! I know what you can get her! She isn't exactly loving her something blue so maybe we could find something here."
"What is it now?"
"Her mother's panties."
"What the fuck? Are you serious?! She ain't wearing her mommas crusty ole panties and expecting me to be turned on!"
"I'm just kidding! Relax! It's some hair clip that her aunt gave her, but she doesn't really like it."
"Well then we need to fix that. I can't have my bride unhappy on her wedding day. Mr. Martin?" Prince addresses the manager.
"Yes sir what can I help you with?!"
"We need to look at your blue jewelry."
"Like sapphires sir?"
"Anything blue! I want to see it all. My girl will get the best of what you have." With those words, that jealous feeling from the night before came creeping back into my heart. I brushed it off as just not getting the kind of attention a woman should be getting from her husband as of late. As Mr. Martin went to gather all his blue colored jewelry, Prince says "so you never answered. Did you do the something old, something new thing when you and Lenny got married?"
"Oh yeah. I did. Something old was my grandmas pearls, something new was my dress of course, something borrowed was my mothers veil that I used to play pretend in, and my something blue was a beautiful blue topaz bracelet Roxie gave me of hers." I look away with tears in my eyes at that memory.
"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. Are you ok?"
"You're fine. I just miss her. I just miss my old life in general." Before Prince could respond, Mr. Martin came back with a wide array of blue jewelry. "Jensen would a blue necklace go with her dress?" Prince asked me looking over the collection of necklaces. "Not really. It's not low cut."
"Awe! Really?! cleavage."
"You would say that!"
"I'm just playing. Well let's look at these necklaces anyway. I might want to give it as a gift later."
We browsed the necklaces and when my eyes set on a blue orchid peacock necklace I gasped.

"We browsed the necklaces and when my eyes set on a blue orchid peacock necklace I gasped

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