Chapter 25

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Lenny and I made our way back to the bedroom and as soon as we closed the door, he picks me up and throws me on the bed like a predator ready to attack his prey.
"Don't touch me." I say while getting under the covers.
"Why not?"
"Why not?! Were you not just on that basketball court with me?"
"Yeah so? Come on babe it wasn't that big of a deal!"
"Really? Sucking Maytes tit wasn't a big deal to you? Has this been your logic our whole marriage? Or do you just have the hots for her?"
"No I don't have the hots for her! I love you Jen. You know that! Don't do this. Please?"
"Do you find her attractive?"
"Jensen stop..."
"Answer me! And you better not lie to me."
"Mayte is attractive yes. But that doesn't mean I want her. I only want you. Let me prove it to you."
"Fucking me right now won't prove shit. How would I know that you weren't picturing her?"
"Well I could ask the same of you. Don't put this all on me! Don't think I didn't see the way you reacted when Prince put you in his mouth. I may have sucked Maytes nipple for a few seconds but I bet you would like to go suck his dick all night, wouldn't you?"
"No I wouldn't! How dare you! Let's just go bed before we both keep saying things we are going to regret."
"Fine. Scoot over." Lenny climbs in the bed next to me and we turn our backs towards each other. This is the first night in our 14 months of marriage I can honestly say I am going to bed mad at him. "Happy fucking birthday." he says before we both fall asleep.
A couple hours later I jolt awake and run to the bathroom. I barely make it to the toilet before I vomit everywhere. I am heaving so hard and loud it must have woke Lenny up bc the next thing I know my hair is being held back and his hand is caressing my back in a soothing manner.
"Sugar are you ok? I shouldn't have let you drink so much. I am going to go get you some water and Tylenol. You are probably going to have a killer hangover." When he came back with a glass of water and 2 Tylenol I was still gripping the toilet. "Here babe take these and drink this."
"Thanks. I guess I'm really a lightweight."
"Just remember this moment the next time you want to excessively drink. It is fun in the moment but not so fun later."
"I'm sorry about going off on you earlier. It really wasn't anyone's fault. We were all wasted. I just hope it doesn't make things awkward between us now. I don't want to lose their friendship."
"We won't. I'm more worried about any damage it may have caused our relationship. Are we good? You know I only have eyes for you Jen."
"I know. I think I've just been a little bummed lately and let some of that frustration out last night."
"Bummed? About what sugar? Talk to me. I'm your husband. You need to share your feelings with me. Not just the good ones. The bad ones too. What's bothering you my love? Maybe I can help fix it."
"I don't know. I mean are you aware I've been off birth control for 9 months and I haven't gotten pregnant? I feel like something is wrong."
"There is nothing wrong baby. Nine months really isn't that long to try to conceive for a lot of couples. Plus we haven't really been trying that seriously."
"We haven't? So fucking with no protection and letting you cum inside me isn't seriously trying? And it's not like we just occasionally do it. We do it all the time."
"Well we just need to start keeping track of when you're ovulating. It will happen for us sugar. I promise."
"Ok. But if I don't get pregnant soon I'm going to go see a doctor."
"Ok babe if that makes you feel better. I don't think it will get that far though. Once we start keeping track of things I know it will happen. You'll probably be pregnant by this summer."
"I hope so."
"Me too. I love you Jen."
"I love you too babe."
"Let's get you back in bed. I hope you can sleep this off and feel better in the morning." Lenny scoops me up from the bathroom floor and tucks me into the bed. "Goodnight sugar."

The next day I feel Lenny standing over me stroking my hair. "How do you feel baby?"
"Better thanks. What time is it?"
"Are you kidding me? I slept until 2:00!"
"Yeah. You needed it though. While you were sleeping the day away, Prince wrote a killer song. He has been working on it all morning. You have to come hear it. It's got Mayte in tears."
When we walk into the studio Prince is at the piano and Mayte is sitting on the bench next to him. I hear her whisper "this song is incredible. I love you. Thank you."
"I love you too momma." He responds and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. He turns towards us and says "well look who finally decided to join the living? I take it you slept well?"
"I am never drinking again!" I say. "So let me hear this new song." Prince walks over to his soundboard and clicks a song on.

While it is playing I can see the tears in Maytes eyes and I smile knowing how happy my best friend is. I look up at Prince and he is giving me a look I can't quite decipher. I assume he is just wanting to see my reaction to his masterpiece. I smile at him and start swaying to the music. When the song ends, I am speechless for a few seconds. Finally Prince says "well?"
"Prince it is beautiful. That is probably the most romantic song I've ever heard. That's going to be everyone's wedding song from now on. Definitely a hit!"
"That's twice you've called me Prince in the last 2 days."
"Oh shit! I'm sorry man."
"I'm just messing with you. It's ok y'all can still call me Prince. Just not in front of anyone else."

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