Chapter 29

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I decided to just wait until we were in the hospice house to bring up the performance. Once we were dressed and out of the vehicle, Lenny held my hand as we entered into the lobby. I didn't want to discuss it in front of his mom so I stopped him outside her room and said "hey baby I need to talk to you about something?"
"Ok. What?"
"Mayte called me this afternoon and said she and Prince would be here in a week to perform at the VH1 Fashion Awards. They want us to come. What do you say baby? Please just take a couple hours away and go with me."
"I don't know Jen. I should be here."
"How much longer do they think she has?"
"This morning the nurse told me she thinks 3-4 weeks. But she isn't God. So who knows? You go to the show babe. I need to be here."
"Are you sure honey?"
"Yeah. We haven't seen them in awhile. Send them my love and tell them I'm sorry."
"Ok babe. I will." I was really disappointed that Lenny didn't want to go with me but I understood his dilemma and decided to not push it any further.

The night of the performance I sat out in the audience and watched two of my best friends tear up the stage. Prince looked good. Mayte was smoking. And they looked hot together. I wanted to jump up and yell "that's my friends!"

(This is the only one I could find of it 😏)

We had planned to meet up at Princes house after the performance so I quickly made my way over there as soon as they left the stage. When I rang the doorbell, Mayte flings it open and squeezes me saying "it's been too long! I've missed you!"
"I've missed y'all too! How are you?"
"I am so good!"
"Well I would think so. That performance was slammin!"
"Thanks girl. We didn't have a whole lot of time to rehearse but I think we pulled it off pretty well. But that's not why I am so good."
"Oh yeah? Then tell me!" She shoved her left hand into my face and squealed "I'm engaged!!!"
"Oh my god! Mayte! It's beautiful! Did he propose tonight?!"
"No no no. It was about 6 weeks ago I guess."
"You've been engaged for 6 weeks and you're just now telling me!!! I thought we were closer than that!"
"We are! You know you're my best friend. I just wanted to tell you in person!"
"Well congratulations! I'm so happy for you both! So how did he do it?"
"Oh it was so cute. He gave me his credit card and told me to go shopping and buy whatever I wanted."
"Well that should have been a clue right there!"
"I know right? Anyway when I got back to Paisley nobody was there and it was dark. There was a note in the foyer that said to go and find the note in the first place we kissed."
"Where was that?"
"In the elevator. So I did and it just kept sending me to different places by clues about our relationship until finally the last note landed me in his bedroom and he had rose pedals and candles laid about. He was already on his knees and he asked me to marry him."
"Wow that is super adorable and romantic."
"It really was. Like out of a fairytale. Hey I'm not sure if I've ever heard the story of how Lenny proposed."
"Oh it was on Thanksgiving. We hadn't seen or spoken to each other in 6 months. He had broken my heart and left for an European tour. He took me back in his old childhood bedroom, where we had spent countless hours together over the years, and played a song he had written for me."
"Which one?"
"Can't Get You Off My Mind"
"I love that song! I love his whole new album."
"Me too! Unfortunately his record label thinks it's a flop."
"That sucks girl. Prince is so ready to be done with his contract. He said he is never signing one again."
"I don't blame him. They are bloodsucking leeches. Anyway speaking of Prince Charming. Where is he?"
"I'm right here!" Prince yells while coming up behind me and putting his hands on my back to try to scare me. I jumped about two feet off the ground. "You asshole. I about peed my pants."
"Don't be peeing on my carpet! We get enough of that from Maytes dumb dog!"
"He's not dumb! He's our baby!"
"He ain't my baby!"
"Yes he is. Your his daddy!"
"Mayte I'm not that damn dogs daddy. That is utterly ridiculous!"
"Shhhh he might hear you!"
"Babe! Get a grip!"
"Alright you two. Chill out. So when's the big day? I'm so excited. I am invited right?" I ask while taking a seat in the living room.
"We are thinking Valentines Day. And of course you are! I actually have something I want to ask you." Mayte says smiling at Prince.
"Will you be my Matron of Honor?"
"Oh my god! Really?! Yes!" I say jumping up. We both start jumping up and down and clapping our hands excitedly.
"Oh geez! You women!" Prince says while rolling his eyes. "I want to ask Lenny to be my best man but I'll leave the hysterics out of it. You think he will be around tonight? How is he?"
"Who knows. He's not handling it very well. I'm worried about him. I can't even imagine what he will be like once she passes."
"I'm so sorry girl. I can't imagine how hard it must for him...and you." Mayte says giving me a soft hug.
"Sounds like you could use a drink." Prince says while making his way towards the wine cabinet.
"Ohhhh no! That didn't go very well last time. I'm going to have to pass. But thanks."
"I thought it went extremely well. Maybe we could have a repeat performance tonight. And I won't have to deal with Lenny's ass in my way."
"You are so nasty." I say while chuckling. His joking was cut short by the shrill ring of the telephone.
"Talk to me." Prince says while still laughing from my comment. "Oh hey man. How are you? Yeah she's right here. Hold on." Holding the phone out towards me he says "it's Lenny."
"Hey babe."
"Where the fuck have you been all night?"
"I came back here after the performance. Guess what? They're engaged. Isn't that exciting?!"
"I've been trying to get ahold of you for 3 hours!"
"I'm sorry babe. They had a killer performance and we came back here to hang out."
"I was wanting you to get up to the hospice house."
"I can come now if need me. Let me grab my purse and I'll head out."
"It's too late now! Mom died an hour ago. You missed telling her goodbye. I hope your little hang out session was worth it!" I didn't even get a chance to respond before I heard the dial tone. I drop to my knees and begin sobbing. Mayte and Prince both rush to me. Prince swoops me up and lays me on the couch. "Babe go get her some water." Mayte runs into the kitchen. "Jensen what happened. Are you ok momma?"
"She's dead. She died and I wasn't there! Lenny is furious! I should have been there. I gotta go!" I say while trying to raise up.
"No. Lay back down. You are in no condition to be driving. I'll take you." He says while softly kissing my forehead.

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